Words to Know

steer [stIE] vt. 驾驶
=direct the course of (a boat, ship, car, etc)
e.g. He steered the ship carefully between the rocks.

strain [streIn] n. 过度紧张
=severe demand on one's strength
e.g. Do you suffer from the strain of modern life?

sullen [5sQlEn] a. 郁郁寡欢
=showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment
e.g. The sullen girl refused to answer her mother's questions.

subdued [sQb5djJd] a. 抑郁的;闷闷不乐的
=gloomy; glum; sulky
e.g. She felt lonely and subdued in a strange city.

tumor [5tju:mE] n. 肿瘤
=an abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells and serving no physiological function; a neoplasm
e.g. The surgeon removed a tumor from her brain.

blurt [blE:t] vt. 脱口而出
=utter suddenly and impulsively
e.g. Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence.

intently ad. 凝视地
=firmly fixed; with all one's attention
e.g. He was examining the stamps intently.

mope [mEJp] vi. 无精打采地游荡
=move in a leisurely or aimless manner e.g. He has been moping about all day.

porch [pC:tF] n. 门廊
=a covered platform, usually having a separate roof, at an entrance to a building
e.g. He found his lost key in the porch.

sparerib [5spZErIb] n. 排骨
=rib of pork with most of the meat cut off
e.g. We'll have sparerib soup for dinner.

nauseate [5nC:sIeIt] vt. 使恶心
=feel or cause to feel nausea
e.g. He was nauseated by the movement of the ship.

tissue [5tIsju:] n. 组织
=an aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated intercellular matter acting together to perform one or more specific functions in the body
e.g. The body is made up of various tissues such as muscle tissue and nerve tissue.

chemotherapy [9kemEJ5WerEpI] n. 化疗
=the treatment of cancer using specific chemical agents or drugs that are selectively destructive to malignant cells and tissues
e.g. Chemotherapy is one of the few choices in the treatment of cancer.

rundown a. 破败的
=dirty and dilapidated
e.g. The government decided to begin a series of rundown housing projects.

howl [haJl] vi. 嚎叫
=utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound
e.g. The dog howled when it was shut in the house.

rot [rRt] vt. 使腐烂
=cause to decompose or decay
e.g. Oil and grease will rot the rubber of the tyre.

toll [tEJl]
=payment required for the use of a road, bridge, harbor, etc
(2)[常用单数]代价, 牺牲, 死亡人数
=(fig) sth. paid, lost or suffered
e.g. Automobile accidents take a heavy toll of human lives.
v. (为报死亡时刻、噩耗等)鸣钟; 敲钟
=(of a bell) ring with slow, regular strokes
e.g. Whose death is being tolled?

publicity [pQb5lIsItI]
=providing information to win public interest
e.g. There has not been much publicity about this conference at the top level.
(2)为人人所知所见之情况; 出风头
=the state of being known to, seen by, everyone
e.g. I sympathized with those heads of state who live their lives in the full blaze of publicity.

Phrases & Expressions

silent as the grave 死一般沉寂
e.g. After his speech, the hall was silent as the grave.

deprive … of … 剥夺某人或某物…的权利

deprive [dI5praIv] vt. 剥夺
=take something away from
e.g. The court ruling deprived us of any share in the inheritance.

light up 露出笑容
e.g. The child was so happy that its face lit up with pleasure.

take a deep breath 深吸一口气
e.g. The salesman took a deep breath and started his talk.

make the best of it 尽力而为
e.g. The girl did not like to wash dishes, but she made the best of it.

submit…to… 向…提交…
e.g. Some students have not yet submitted their essays to their tutors.

submit [sEb5mIt] vt. 呈送
=put forward for discussion, decision, etc
e.g. I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadline.

cancer could be approached with openness:
people could talk about cancer openly and there was nothing to be ashamed of

approach… with openness 公开对待…
e.g. We should, above all, know how to approach the difference with openness.

be bound to do sth. 一定会做某事
e.g. In the long run, it is bound to deepen the eventual economic collapse.

take one's pill 吃药丸

pill [pIl] n. 药丸;药片
=small ball or tablet of medicine for swallowing whole
e.g. Occasionally she had to take sleeping pills.

work out… 解决…
e.g. Things will work out if you will just be patient.

break the ice 打破沉默;活跃气氛
e.g. There was an embarrassing silence, until one of the men broke the ice by offering the other a cigarette.

put…to a vote 通过选举来决定
e.g. I shall now proceed to put the matter to a vote. Will all those in favour hold up the right hand?

Elks Club:
a fraternal organization 慈善互助会

it occurred to me that:
it came to my mind that

Make Today Count:
Make Today Valuable

Difficult Sentences

Without really knowing it, all of us had been celebrating a funeral-mine-and the funeral had not even taken place yet.

celebrating a funeral:
Here "celebrating" is used ironically.

"What have you got to lose by trying to live with this damned cancer?" a voice in my head asked me.

to live with:
to learn to accept

The strain under which the family was living was already taking its toll. School had started, and Tammy had brought home failing slips in several of her classes.

The strain under which the family was living was already taking its toll:
The great pressure caused by my illness was starting to cause problems in the family.

The doctors say that in all probability unless something else happens first, I will die of cancer.

in all probability 很可能
e.g. I've no idea where last Saturday's newspaper is; in all probability it has been thrown away.

Wanda and I had only a little money, although we had been able to make ends meet with the Social Security disability payments and Veterans Administration checks we had been receiving.

make ends meet 勉强维持生计,收支平衡
e.g. Both husband and wife had to work to make ends meet.

Social Security disability payments:
money paid by U.S. government to those who are too ill to work

Veterans Administration checks:
money paid to needy veterans of American wars (美国)退伍军人管理局给的钱

Although I had read about all the money being spent on cancer research, I had heard very little about the emotional rehabilitation of cancer patients and their families. The void was obvious.

The void was obvious:
It was clear that too little attention had been given to the emotional problems faced by cancer patients and their families.

But now I knew it was up to me to deal with them.

it was up to me to deal with them:
it was I myself who should deal with them

(be) up to sb. to (do) 是…应该(做)的,是…义不容辞的
e.g. It's up to us to give them all the help we can.