主页 > 护理研究与论文写作 > 护理研究课题的选定 > 选题的概念
第一节 选题的概念
    The contributions of authors to multiauthored biomedical research papers
    JAMA 1994,271(6):438
    First authors ratings of which authors had made substantial contributions to the following:
    1. Initical conception of the study; 科学鉴赏能力
    2. Design of the study; 想象力与逻辑推理能力
    3. Provision of needed resources; 财力
    4. Collection of data; 动手操作能力
    5. Analysis and interpretation of data; 理论思维能力
    6. Writing the first draft of the paper or revising drafts for important intellectual content. 综合与表达能力
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