
    Text Study
    Para. 3 This spelling is not easy. It is partly phonetic, but only partly, and it has many maddening inconsistencies. Even native speakers find it hard and children who speak their native English fluently take years to learn how to spell their own language. Even well-educated people in Britain and America have to consult the dictionary more often than they generally admit!

    Phonetic adj. 语音的;语音学的;表示发音的
    a. Is the text marked with phonetic symbols?
    b. international phonetic alphabet

    vt. 使疯狂
    The colonel's calmness maddened Pluskat.
    maddening adj. 令人疯狂的
    The box has spat forth maddening nine- second sound bite.

    n. 不一致,矛盾
    There is a great inconsistency between what he says and what he does.

    Para. 3 这种拼写并不容易。它部分是根据发音而成,但仅仅是部分而已,而且有一些令人发狂的矛盾之处。甚至说母语的人也觉得它很难,连那些说一口流利英语的孩子们也要花好几年的时间才能学会拼写他们的母语。在英国和美国,甚至那些受过良好教育的人也不得不经常查阅字典,其频率比他们通常承认的要高得多。

    Text Study
    Para. 4 There have been many attempts to “reform” English spelling. The most important spelling reformer was an American Noah Webster, who in 1828 produced a frankly nationalistic American Dictionary of the English Language. Webster added some thousands of “American” words that were unknown to Dr. Johnson and he mounted an all-out assault on the “traditional” English way of spelling.

    n. 尝试,努力
    He made an attempt to escape, but he failed.
    vt. 企图,试图(做)
    I will attempt to answer all your questions.

    Noah Webster (1758 –1843) 美国所有词典编纂家中最著名的一位,他一直坚定不移地支持美国英语。从1789 年的《论英语》到1828 年的《美国英语词典》(今简称《韦氏大词典》),他的作品像塞缪尔·约翰逊的作品一样举世闻名。
    nationalistic: 国家主义,该词本意是指国家主义,在此处指带有国家主义色彩,原因是诺亚·韦伯斯特在当时坚持不懈地在美国推行美国英语,并撰写了《美国英语词典》(今简称《韦氏大词典》)对美国英语进行规范,所以说带有美国国家主义色彩。

    Mount vt. 发动
    a. The soldiers have been ready to mount another attack.
    b. The women in this country mounted another campaign for equal rights with men.

    All-out adj. 竭力的; 全部的
    a. He made an all-out sprint and won the first prize in the race.
    b. They worked out an all-out conservation program.

    n. 攻击,袭击
    They responded with assaults against the enemy's bases.
    vt. 攻击,袭击
    We assaulted the city on all sides.

    Para. 4 历史上曾出现过许多“改革”英文拼写的尝试。 最重要的拼写改革家当数美国的诺亚· 韦伯斯特, 他在 1828 年编纂出了一本带有不加掩饰的国家主义色彩的词典——《美国英语词典》。 韦伯斯特增加了数以千计的“美国词汇”,这些词汇并不为约翰逊博士所知。而且,他还竭力攻击“传统的”英文拼写方式。

    Para. 5 Why, he asked, should we spell “thumb” when we do not pronounce the letter “b”? But even the Americans of his time ignored him and it remains “thumb" to this day in modern editions of Webster.

    Thumb n. 拇指
    a. This glove has a hole in the thumb.
    b. The man swore when the hammer hit his thumb.

    Para. 5 他曾说:“thumb(拇指)”中的“b”不发音,为什么我们却拼成“thumb”? 但是,甚至他那个时代的美国人也都对他不予理睬,所以直到现在,韦伯斯特现代版的词典还是将“拇指”拼成“thumb”。