
    Text Study
    Do Universities Broaden Minds?
    By Tertius Chandler

    Para. 1 Does university training help or hinder in developing intellectual capacity to do highly original work? Among highly creative modern thinkers the following were formally educated: Montesquieu, Jefferson, Goethe, Marx, and Gandhi. These did not go to college: Austen, Balzac, Tolstoy, Twain, and Shaw.

    Para. 2 Bright people can teach themselves. AsHenry Adams said, “No one can educate anyoneelse. You have to do it for yourself.” There should, of course, be equivalency exams for the self-taught, as well as on-the-job training, formost professions.
    adj. 独创的, 新颖的;起初的, 原来的
    a. The inventor had an original mind.
    b. The original settlers are the Indians.

    adj. 智力的;知识的
    Maths is an intellectual exercise.
    n. 知识分子
    These views were common among intellectuals.

    vt. 妨碍,阻止
    a. This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.
    vi. 起阻碍作用
    b. What is to hinder you from trying?

    n. 能力
    a. Her capacity to remember telephone numbers is remarkable.
    b. He has a great capacity for enjoying himself.

    ability 主要指体力,脑力或机械工作的能力或力量。
    He has the ability to do the work.
    capability (to do something/of doing something/for something) 指能做某事的素质,
    You have the capability to do/of doing this job well.
    capacity (for something) 指生产、体会、理解或学习的能力。
    Man shares the capacity for love and hate, anger and fear, loyalty and grief with other living creatures.。

    as well as
    a. He is courageous as well as strong.
    b. Air, as well as water, is needed to make plants grow.

    vt. 使平衡,使均衡
    a. I struggle to balance work and family commitment.
    vi. 保持平衡
    b. When you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to balance.


    Tertius Chandler
    特蒂斯· 钱德勒(1915—2000),历史学家和作家。1937 年毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard University),曾在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校做过研究,毕生从事教学工作。著有Three Thousand Years of Urban Growth (1987)、The Tax We Need (1980)以及 Chandler’s Half Encyclopedia 等。本文节选自1991 年出版的《21 世纪读物——供当今学生思考关于明天的话题》(Readings for the 21st Century—Tomorrow’s Issues for Today’s Students) 一书中的一篇名为“Education—Less of It!”的文章。
    该篇文章曾首次发表在美国《大学董事会评论》, 作者在文中分析了当时美国中小学和大学教育中存在的弊端,提出了缩短义务教育学制的建议。本文节选的是文章的最后一部分,是关于大学教育的。

    Para. 1 在培养从事高创新性工作的智能方面,大学训练起到的是促进还是阻碍的作用?在具有高度创新能力的现代思想家中,以下是接受过正规教育的:孟德斯鸠,杰斐逊,歌德,马克思和甘地。而未上过大学的有:奥斯丁,巴尔扎克,托尔斯泰,马克· 吐温和萧伯纳。

    Para. 2 聪慧的人能够自学。正如亨利· 亚当说的:“没有人能真正教育其他任何人。 你必须自己教育自己。”当然,社会应提供为自学者设立的同等学力考试,以及为大多数职业者举办的在职培训。