
                    My Father
                  By David Suzuki
    Text Study
    Para. 1 In my last year of high school in London, Ont., some kids asked me to run for student-council president. I was a “brain” and, in the ’50s, being a brain was like having leprosy. I didn’t play basketball or football, and I wasn’t part of the in crowd. So I turned down the suggestion.

    David Suzuki
    大卫·铃木教授(1936—)是世界著名环境保护学家,曾在英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)任教40年,获得多种奖项,出版了30多部关于环保的著作。作者还曾多年主持加拿大广播公司家喻户晓的科普节目《事物的本性》(The Nature of Things )。

    Para. 1 我在安大略省伦敦市读中学的最后一年,一些同学建议我参加学生会主席的竞选。当时我学习成绩很好,而在50 年代,成绩好的人就像麻风病人一样不受欢迎。我既不打篮球也不踢足球,和时髦毫不沾边。所以,我没采纳他们的建议。

    1. I was a “brain” and, in the'50s, being a brain was like having leprosy. I didn't play basketball or football, and I wasn't part of the in crowd. (Para. 1)


    1) a brain: 头脑聪明的人
    a. All the best scientific brains in the field are working on this project.
    b. She is one of the brains in our class.
    2) the ’50s: the 1950s,20世纪50年代
    3) the in crowd: 时髦人群
    in: adj. 时髦的,受欢迎的
    a. Purple is the in color this spring.
    b. Fashions come and go quickly. Short skirts are in again.

    turn down
    a. We politely turned down the invitation.
    b. He turned down my offer of help.
    c. He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.