
    Para. 3 Then we came home from our honeymoon. As kissing gave way to the real business of living, we began to find out who we’d really married.
    Para. 4 She discovered that Mr. “Fun Guy” was also Mr. “Totally Disorganized” —late for everything, and an expert at forgetting names, faces, birthdays and wedding anniversaries (especially hers). He liked eating sausages and meat pies—yuk!

    Para. 5 He discovered that Miss “Make-Your-Heart- Melt” was also Mrs. “Nervous Nelly” —an uptight stickler for detail, with a tendency to nag (especially in the car). She liked eating mushrooms and mussels—yuk!

    n. 蜜月
    The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon.
    They are in a state of bliss during the honeymoon.
    As kissing gave way to the real business of living, we began to find out who we’d really married. (Para. 3)
    give way (to): 让位于……
    a. Because she lacks money, the plan of going to Qingdao has to give way to staying at home.
    因为她缺钱,所以到青岛旅游的计划泡汤,只能 老老实实呆在家里。
    b. Her plan of shopping gave way to the preparation for the test because she suddenly realized that the test was on the day after tomorrow.
    adj. 紊乱的,无组织的
    a. We're a little disorganized after the move, but do come and see us when we've settled in.
    我们搬家后家里还点杂乱无章,等安顿好后请 你们一定来玩。
    b. She is a very disorganized person but she always seems to muddle through.
    她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是 对付过去了。
    n. 香肠,腊肠
    a. A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.
    b. Can I offer you another helping of pork sausage?

    n. 蘑菇
    Some mushrooms are good to eat; some are poisonous.
    有些蘑菇可食用, 有些则有毒。
    vi. 成蘑菇状扩散
    The smoke mushroomed into the sky.

    vi., vt. ( 使) 软化,( 使)变得温柔;(使)融化;(使)熔化
    a. The ice will melt when the sun shines on it.
    当太阳照到冰的时候, 它就融化了。
    b. The snowflakes melt the moment they touch one's hand.

    vi. 不断地唠叨, 恼人
    a. She nagged at him all day along.
    她整天向他唠叨不休 。
    b. She nags at her husband about their lack of money.

    Para. 3 度完蜜月,我们回到了家。当热吻让位于现实生活中的琐事时,我们才开始发现彼此是和什么样的人结了婚。

    Para. 4 她发现“快乐小伙计”先生同时又是“杂乱无章”先生——做任何事都会迟到,而且还是个“遗忘专家”,经常忘记别人的名字、面孔、生日和结婚纪念日(尤其是她的)。他还喜爱吃香肠和肉馅饼,真恶心!

    Para. 5 他发现“令人心醉”小姐也成了“神经质的傻瓜”太太,一个心情焦躁,过分纠缠于细节,并且喜欢喋喋不休(尤其在车里)的人。她还偏好吃蘑菇和贻贝,特可恶!