Text Study
Para. 9 On Kevin Donnelly, who taught in school for 14 years, agrees it is important for families to play Scrabble, go for a walk and play sport, but yes, “I believe homework is something kid should do. I am not saying you do either/or. I’m saying, ‘Why not do both?’”
adv. 不是…就是…,…或…,要么…要么…
1. We fight, or we don't, it's an either-or decision. 我们要么打, 要么不打, 非此即彼,没有别的出路。
2. His yawns suggested he was either tired or bored. 他呵欠连天说明他不是疲倦,就是厌倦。
3. Either dye or paints are used to color cloth. 不论是染料还是颜料都是用来染布的。
Why not…?
You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work? 你需要休息,为什么不休假两周呢?
Why not get a diviner to expound my dream? 为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?
Why not call on me tomorrow? 你干吗不明天就来看我呢?
Why not set the table forward? 为什么不把桌子向前移动一点呢?
动词乱扒;乱摸;(尤指在看不见时)摸索着寻找 If you scrabble for something, especially something that you cannot see, you move your hands or your feet about quickly and hurriedly in order to find it.
He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change... 他抓起夹克,然后在书桌的抽屉里乱翻了一些零钱。
Scrabble around or scrabble about means the same as scrabble
Alberg scrabbled around for pen and paper...
2. 动词急于;苦求 If you say that someone is scrabbling to do something, you mean that they are having difficulty because they are in too much of a hurry, or because the task is almost impossible.
The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs... 那些银行正在拼命急于收回成本。
Para. 9 “教龄已有14年的凯文唐纳利赞玩玩拼字游戏,外出散步,做做运动,这些对家庭非常重要。但是他说:”我认为孩子们也应当做做家庭作业。我并不是说你要两者选择其一。我的意思是: ‘为什么不两者兼顾呢?’”