
    Para. 2 Liberal theorists often argue the time spent completing set exercises could be better used reading out loud, playing board games with mum, or walking the dog with dad.     Some, such as educational consultant and former high-school principal Ian Lillico, have suggested home work (should) involve housework, and children might be assessed, for instance, on their washing-up skills.

    1. 形容词开明的;开通的;(个人)自由主义的 Someone who has liberal views believes people should have a lot of freedom in deciding how to behave and think.
    Liberal is also a noun.
    ...a nation of free-thinking liberals. 思想开放的自由主义者的国度
    2. 形容词(制度等)开放的;(政治或经济上)自由主义的 A liberal system allows people or organizations a lot of political or economic freedom.
    a liberal democracy with a multiparty political system... 多党政制的自由民主国家
    They favor liberal free-market policies.

    liberal arts
    名词(历史、文学等)大学文科 At a university or college, liberal arts courses are on subjects such as history or literature rather than science, law, medicine, or business.
    There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers, mostly in business.
    1. 动词争吵;争执 If one person argues with another, they speak angrily to each other about something that they disagree about. You can also say that two people argue .
    They were still arguing; I could hear them down the road. 他们还在争吵;我在马路的那头都能听见他们的声音。
    2. 动词争论;争辩 If you tell someone not to argue with you, you want them to do or believe what you say without protest or disagreement.
    Don't argue with me. 别和我争辩。

    3. 动词 主张;认为 If you argue that something is true, you state it and give the reasons why you think it is true.
    His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial. 他的律师正在提出理由说明他不适合出庭受审。
    4. 动词 支持/反对 If you argue for something, you say why you agree with it, in order to persuade people that it is right. If you argue against something, you say why you disagree with it, in order to persuade people that it is wrong.
    The report argues against tax increases. 报告提出理由反对提高税率。

    1. 动词 咨询;请教;请示(以获得许可) If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something.
    Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt. 咨询一下医生你需要多大的运动量。
    He needed to consult with an attorney... 他需要找个律师咨询一下。
    If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser. 如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。
    2. 动词商量;商讨;商议 If a person or group of people consults with other people or consults them, they talk and exchange ideas and opinions about what they might decide to do.
    After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms. 与女儿兼经纪人商量之后,她决定出演这一角色,不过要按照她开出的条件。
    1. 形容词首要的;最主要的;最重要的 Principal means first in order of importance.
The principal reason for my change of mind is this. 这是我改变主意的最主要原因。
    ...the country's principal source of foreign exchange earnings... 这个国家最主要的外汇收入来源
    Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election.     他们最关心的问题肯定是赢得下一次大选。
    2. 可数名词(中小学)校长;(英国)大学校长,学院院长 The principal of a school, or in Britain the principal of a college, is the person in charge of the school or college.
    Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School. 唐纳德·金是达特茅斯中学的校长。

    1. 动词 需要;包含 If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it.
    Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed.
    Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people.
    2. 动词牵涉;涉及 If a situation or activity involves someone, they are taking part in it.
    If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government. 如果有人想要隐瞒实情,那其中就涉及政府部门最高层的人物。
    ...a riot involving a hundred inmates... 有 100 名囚犯参与的暴动
    Detectives launched an operation involving Interpol and Nigerian police. 侦探们联合国际刑警与尼日利亚警方开展了一项行动。
    3. 动词使陷入;使卷入 If you say that someone involves themselves in something, you mean that they take part in it, often in a way that is unnecessary or unwanted.
    I seem to have involved myself in something I don't understand. 我似乎卷入了一件我并不知情的事情当中。
    4. 动词使参与;使介入 If you involve someone else in something, you get them to take Before too long he started involving me in the more confidential aspects of the job. 不久,他便开始让我介入工作中更机密的方面。part in it.

    1. 动词 评估;评价;考查 When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them.
    Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions. 我们的记者一直在评估制裁带来的影响。
    The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement... 这次测试是考查能力,而不是学习成绩。
    2. 动词 评估(价值);估价 When you assess the amount of money that something is worth or should be paid, you calculate or estimate it.
    Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.让他们把怎样评估你的财产价值的资料寄来。
    What's the property's assessed value? 这些财产的估值是多少?
    Para. 2 主张变革的 一些理论学家通常认为,花在完成额定练习的时间不如用再大声朗读,和妈妈玩棋盘游戏,或与爸爸遛遛狗。一些人建议把家务劳动归纳如家庭作业中,并且可以对孩子进行考核,比如洗完的技能。教育顾问,原高中校长伊恩李力克就持有这种观点。