
B. Write a brief summary of the text. Compare your summary with that of your deskmate and see which one can better describe the main idea of the text. (P27)
    The author’s sister had saved her exquisite slip for a special occasion, only to end up wearing it at her own funeral. So her brother-in-law advised her not to save anything for a special time but to enjoy every day as a special moment.
    This advice has had quite an impact on the author and brought about a lot of changes in her life. To her, every day, every minute, every breath is now a gift from God.

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save anything for a special occasion but to live
every day she’s alive as a special occasion.

the special moments
example, spending more time with her
family and friends
save anything for a special

“Someday” and “one of these days” lose
their grip
left undone would make
her angry if she knew her hours were limited
To her, every day, every minute,
every breath is now