Language Points

Language Point 1
Gail and I imagined a quiet wedding. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other
我和盖尔计划举行一个不事张扬的婚礼。 在一起相处的两年中,我们经历了一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的磕磕碰碰

Language Point 2
imagine: vt. (Here) plan to have, think about having ...?
We imagine a quiet holiday at home for this summer after a busy year.
忙碌了一年,? 我们打算今年夏天在家过个安静的假期。
If “imagine” is followed directly by a verb or a “noun + verb” structure, the verb should be in the -ing form. Examples:
It’s hard to imagine living in a place where there are no telephones or cars.

Language Point 3
ups and downs: a mix of good experiences and bad experiences? 好运坏运交替;盛衰;浮沉
Life is full of ups and downs.

Language Point 4
But through it all we had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each other's characters.

Language Point 5
character: n. all the qualities that make a person or place different from other people or places? (指个人、民族、社会特有的) 天性, 性格, 本质, 特征
He has a strong but gentle character.
The twins look the same but have very different characters?


Language Point 6
Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other.


Language Point 7
giving up of certain demands by each side, so that an agreement may be reached which satisfies both to some degree 妥协,折衷,和解
She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother.

Language Point8
open: a. willing to talk honestly, frank.
Let’s be open with each other.
He is a very frank and open person.

Language Point 9
Involve in
1.Cause sb or sth to be caught or mixed up in trouble,etc;get sb or sth into a complicated or difficult condition
They are deeply involved in debt.
-Do not involve yourself in unnecessary expense.
2。Have as a necessary consequence

To accept the position you offer would involve my living in London.若接受你提出的职位,我必须得住在伦敦。

Language Point 10
subtle: a. slight, not obvious, not easy to notice, understand or explain? (因细微、精巧或微妙而) 难于觉察或描述的,精巧的,巧妙的
a subtle style
Her whole attitude had had a subtle change.
There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words.

Language Point 11
Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, mixed couple in America. The continual source of our strength was our mutual trust and respect.
作为一对居住在美国、异族通婚的夫妻,我和盖尔对未来不抱丝毫幻想。 相互信任和尊重是我们俩永不枯竭的力量源泉。

Language Point 12
hold: vt. own, be able to contain or offer? Hold in this sense can also be used figuratively.
He holds a half share in the business.
Life holds many surprises for us.
(喻) 人生中有许多意想不到的事情。

Language Point 13
mutual: a. 1) (of feeling or an action) felt or done by each to the other? (指感情或行动)相互的
Their working well together was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.
Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend.
2. shared by two or more people (两人或多人) 共同的,共
The plan was ended by mutual agreement. 双方均同意终止这项计划。

Language Point 14
not able to live or work happily with sb. 不能愉快地一起生活或共事的
I have never seen such an incompatible couple.

Language Point 15
they overlooked serious personality conflicts in the expectation that marriage was an automatic way to make everything work out right.

Language Point 16
overlook: vt. 1) fail to notice or realize how important something is, miss? 漏看,没注意到,忽略
The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points.
2. pretend not to notice; forgive 不予注意,宽恕
We'll overlook your bad behavior this time, but don't do it again.

Language Point 17
Work out: 1)be capable of being solved
This sum will not work out.
2)turn out in the end
The total works out at 10 dollars.
Things worked out quite well.

Language Point 18
Go through:undergo; suffer 经历;遭受
-Go through hardships

Language Point 19
for a time: for a certain period; temporarily?
The professor stayed in London for a time.
For a time the police thought she might be guilty?

Language Point 20
Effect n. Result; outcome后果;效果
The effects of the hot weather
Did the medicine have any effect?
Punishment had very little effect on him.
Of no effect :useless 无用, 无效
In effect:in fact实际上
Take effect生效;奏效

Language Point 21
bud: vi. produce buds 发芽,萌芽
The trees are budding early this year.
The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year.

Language Point 22
When Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family she met with some resistance.



Language Point 23
meet with: experience
I met with some difficulties in suffering the net.
In addition, if something such as an idea, plan, or new book meets with or is met with a particular reaction, it gets that reaction from people.
His speech met with a cold acceptance. 他的演讲受到冷 遇

Language Point 24
all along: throughout a period of time
I suspected all along that she was lying.
I knew the truth all along.

Language Point 25
congratulations: n. [pl.] If you offer someone your congratulations, you congratulate them on something nice that has happened to them or something admirable that they have done.
to offer one’s congratulations on her success
Congratulations on your marriage!
upon: prep. (the same as “on”) immediately after, directly after (and often as a result of)
Upon (or: On) hearing the news, she burst into tears. 一听到这个消息, 她就放声大哭起来。

Language Point 26
advise, give advice and support to 劝告, 忠告, 辅导, 提供咨询
He counseled them to give up the plan.
The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems.
[U] advice; ideas 劝告,意见,建议
I should have listened to my father's wise counsel, and saved some money instead of spending it all.
Good counsel does no harm. <谚>忠言有利无害。

Language point 27
To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them.

"首先我必须承认, 刚开始时我对异族通婚是有保留的,也许你甚至可以把这称为偏见。

Language Point 28
have no connection with; avoid 与……无关, 不跟……往来
In the evening he likes to read books which have nothing to do with his work.
He's a thief and a liar; I'd have nothing to do with him, if I were you.

Language Point 29
see ... as: imagine, regard or perceive ... as
Many girls have normal body weight, but they see themselves as being fat.
许多女孩体重正常, 但是她们自己认为胖了
Women are sometimes seen as less effective managers.

Language Point 30
On the surface:
when not observed, thought about, etc. deeply 表面上, 外表上, 从表面上看
The plan seems on the surface to be quite practical.

Language Point 31
every” has a very commonly used meaning: “as much as possible” or “total; entire”.
Examples: There is every chance that she will succeed.
The airline takes every possible measure to ensure the safety of its passengers. 航空公司采取一切措施保障旅客安全。

Language Point 32
We've been through so much together. We've seen each other at our worst many times. I'm sure that time will only confirm what we feel deeply about each other."

"我们俩一起经历了许许多多的事情。我们彼此已很多次看到对方最糟糕的一面。 我可以肯定时间只会证明我们是彼此深情相爱的。"

Language Point 33
At one’s worst:
showing the most unpleasant side of sb. 最差的一面
I'm at my worst in the morning.
This problem over late paying has shown him at his worst.

Language Point 34
Confirm: make(power,ownership, opinions,rights,feelings,
etc)firmer or stronger
The report of an earthquake in Greece has now been confirmed.
What you tell me confirmed my suspicions.

Language Point 35
learn of: find out about something.

Examples: I learned of the accident only yesterday.

Language Point 36
suspect: vt. believe (esp. something bad) to true or likely
He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
Compare: doubt: believe that something is probably not true or possible.
I doubt that he’ll come. 我怀疑他是不会来了。
I doubt what he said. 我不太相信他说的话。

Language Point 37
1. say that (sth. already planned and decided upon) will not be done or take place 取消
The match had to be canceled because of bad weather.
2. cross out (sth. written) 删去
Cancel that last sentence. 把最后的那个句子删掉。

Language Point 38
1. end (a problem or difficulty) 解决,解除
The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.
2. decide; determine 决定,决心
The company resolved to take further action against the thieves.
She resolved that she would never speak to him again.