Language Points

Language Point 1
[C] a person who works without stop 闲不下来的人,工作狂
A self-confessed workaholic, Tony can't remember when he last had a holiday. 托尼自己承认是个工作狂,他记不起上次休假是什么时候了。

Language Point 2
involve: vt. have as a necessary part or result; consist of
This war involved several countries. 这场战争牵涉到几个国家。
If “involve” is followed directly by a verb, the second verb is used in the -ing form. Examples:
The plan involves my living in London. 这项计划要求我住在伦敦。
The job involves traveling abroad for three months each year. 这个工作要求每年去国外旅行三个月。

Language Point 3
other than:
1)except 除了
Have we anything to drink other than milk? 除了牛奶我们还有什么可以喝的?
She has no close friends other than him. 除了他以外,她没有别的亲密朋友了。
2) not; anything but
She can hardly be other than grateful. 她不可能不感激。
The truth was quite other than what he thought. 事实真相和他所想的完全不一样。

Language Point 4
having the stated number of dimensions (构成复合词的)有……维的,……方面的
Space is considered to be three-dimensional and time is thought of as the fourth dimension. 空间被认为是三维的,而时间则被看作第四维。
three-dimensional films 三维电影, 立体电影
We should not forget that education has an important spiritual dimension. 我们不应忘记教育有其重要的精神因素。
His character has several different dimensions. 他的性格是多方面的。

Language Point 5
Workaholics, like those who are constantly drunk, suffer from a controlling habit, usually defined as compelling behavior despite negative consequences. They are sometimes pushed into their habit by their work beliefs, by workaholic role models, and by a work system that automatically sanctions workaholism.
工作狂, 就像那些老是醉醺醺的人一样,有一种无法摆脱的习惯,这种习惯通常被定义为不顾消极后果的强迫性行为。 他们有时是被自己的工作信念、工作狂的行为模式以及一种工作狂自我认可的工作方式所逼而养成了这习惯的。


Language Point 6
vt.give one's approval for (sth.); allow 批准,认可
They officially sanctioned the project. 他们正式批准了这项计划。
He tried to get the government to sanction his plan. 他设法使政府批准他的计划


Language Point 7
lip service: support in words, not in fact
He pays lip service to feminism, but his wife still does all the housework. 他口口声声支持女权主义, 但他家的全部家务仍是他妻子的事。
to the contrary
indicating or proving the opposite (表示或证明)相反地
I’ll come next month, unless you write to the contrary. 我下个月来,除非你写信叫我不要来。
If I don't hear to the contrary I'll see you at the station at ten. 如无变动,十点钟我在车站见你。

Language Point 8
true to sb./sth. 忠诚的,忠贞的
A good friend is always loyal. 好朋友永远是忠诚的。
She has remained loyal to him throughout his misfortune. 在他遭受不幸期间,她自始至终对他保持忠诚。

Language Point 9
burn the midnight oil
study or work until late at night (学习、工作)到深夜,开夜车

She takes her exams next week, so she’s burning the midnight oil. 她下星期要考试了, 所以在开夜车。


Language Point 10
at risk
in danger 处于危险之中
The whole future of the company is at risk. 这家公司的前途都处在危险之中。

Language Point 11
1. subject (sth.) to danger; risk 使遭受危险,冒险
He hazarded his life to save the child. 他冒着生命危险去救那孩子。
2. take a risk to make or suggest 冒险做出;大胆提出
He hazarded that the following examinations might be easier. 他大胆猜想接下来的考试会简单些。

Language Point 12
Americans tend to become trapped in a working and spending consumption mode, driven by merchants, that leads them to rack up their expectations.

Language Point 13
1. keep (sb.) in a place from which he wants to move but cannot 使陷于困境,使落入圈套,使受限制
Julia found herself trapped in a dead-end job. 朱莉娅觉得自己陷入了一个没有前途的工作里。
2. catch by a trick 设陷阱捕捉
She survived in the forest by trapping small animals and birds. 她靠着捕捉小动物和鸟类在森林中活了下来。


Language Point 14
lead sb. to (do) sth.: influence or cause sb. to do sth.
Her expression led me to believe there was some problem. 她的表情让我相信她遇上了困难。
Another verbal phrase is “lead to”, which is different in meaning from “lead sb. to do”. lead to : result in
Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 超负荷工作而不注意休息往往会得病。


Language Point 15
cause physical or mental pain, or trouble 使(肉体或精神)受痛苦,使受折磨,给……造成麻烦(此词在文中与up连用,意义为"积累"。)
The team has racked up ten points to win the game. 这个队已得了十分,要赢这场比赛了。
The dog was already racked by the pains of old age. 那只狗早就为衰老带来的病痛所折磨。

Language Point 16
fuel: vt. provide fuel to
The car is being fuelled at the filling station across the street. 汽车正在街对面的加油站加油。

This verb is often used in its figurative sense. His words only fuelled the argument further. 他那番话让争论更激烈了。


Language Point 17
not necessarily: possibly but not certainly
Good food is not necessarily expensive. 好的食品未必价钱贵。
“He was lying, of course .” “Not necessarily.”? “他肯定在说谎。” “未必。”

Language Point 18
the Stone Age
The Stone Age has been divided into two periods: the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age. 石器时代分为两个阶段:旧石器时代和新石器时代。

Language Point 19
fear for
be concerned about sb./sth. 担心,忧虑

I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气情况下,我担心她的安全。
All mothers fear for their children when they first leave home. 所有的母亲都为初次出门的孩子们担心。

Language Point 20
1. [C] a strip of road marked out for single line of traffic 车道
the inside lane 内车道
The southbound lane is closed because of an accident. 南向的车道因为一起事故而关闭了。
2. [C] a narrow road in the countryside or in a town 小路,小巷
It is very dangerous to drive fast along narrow country lanes. 在狭窄的乡村小路上开快车是很危险的。


Language Point 21
We seem to be more in the fast lane than ever before.

Language Point 22
discharge: vt. 1) send out (gas, liquid, smoke, etc.), or allow it to escape
The chimney discharges smoke. 烟囱往外排放烟尘。

2) give official sanction for sb. to leave
Patients were discharged from hospital because the beds were needed by other people. 由于其他人需要床位,病人们被允许出院。

Language Point 23
Very competitive people who have a strong need to prove themselves and tie their self-worth to their work.

Language Point 24
tie to
cause to be connected with or dependent on 使联系在一起;使依附于
Canada is tightly tied to American economy. 加拿大与美国经济密切相连。

Language Point 25
grief: n. great sadness, deep or violent sad feeling
The dog died of grief when its master did not return. 那条狗因为主人没有回来伤心而死。

Language Point 26
trait: n. a characteristic, a particular quality in sb.’s character
Pride seems to be one of our family traits. 自傲是我们家族的一个特征。
One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public. 他的缺点之一是当众数落自己的妻子。

Language Point 27
stand: vt. bear, accept successfully
Do you think she can stand the pace of work here? 你认为她能承受得了这里工作的节奏吗?
If “stand” is followed directly by a verb, the second verb is used in the -ing form. Examples:
I can’t stand seeing children smoking. 我一看见孩子抽烟就感到难受。

Language Point 28
equate… with …: connect in mind; consider as the same
Wealth should not be equated with happiness. 财富不应与幸福等同起来。
He equates poverty with misery. 他认为贫穷就是不幸。

Language Point 29
They can't stand not being active. They find it hard to go on vacation. They're more comfortable being with fellow workers than with family and friends. They equate self-worth and success with hard work. They'd rather be at work than elsewhere or doing anything else.

他们忍受不了懒懒散散, 他们发觉很难抽出时间去度假, 与跟家人和朋友们在一起相比,他们觉得和同事们在一起感到更舒服自在。 他们把自我价值和成功与拼命工作紧密相连。 他们宁可干活,不愿到别的地方去或做其他事情。


Language Point 30
[U, C] the action of providing an explanation 阐述理由,说明理由

1. [C] a program of work to be done 进度表,程序表
She always has a full schedule. 她的日程表总是排得满满的
2. [C] a timetable 时间表,时刻表 airline schedule 飞机时刻表


Language Point 31
Of course there is nothing wrong with their commitment, ambition and durable energy. But what is wrong is that these things often come in at a high price to their health and the welfare of their families.
当然他们的承诺、抱负和持久的精力均无可指责, 错的是这些东西是以牺牲他们的健康和他们家庭幸福的高昂代价才得以实现的。

Language Point 32
come in
appear; happen 出现,发生

Have the results from the blood test come in yet? 验血的结果出来了没有?


Language Point 33
welfare: n. health, comfort and happiness
promote the public welfare 发展公众福利
The police are very concerned for the welfare of the missing child. 警察非常担心失踪儿童的健康。

Language Point 34
As workaholics tend to put all their eggs in one basket, their job, they can be helped by spreading these eggs into several baskets.

Language Point 35
put all one's eggs in one basket
risk everything one has on the success of one plan 孤注一掷
I'm applying for several jobs because I don't really want to put all my eggs in one basket. 我正在申请几项工作,因为我不想把所有的希望寄托在一家公司上。