Language Points

Language Point 1
There was no middle point . (Para. 1)
Meaning: You couldn't sit on the fence or in the middle-of-the-road: You were either honest or dishonest.
middle point: (figuratively) a position which is between two very different ones
You have to decide either to stay at home or to go out with me. There is no middle point . 你要么待在家里,要么跟我走,没有折中的办法。

Language Point 2
They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: (Para. 1)
hang on: hold something or someone tightly
Don't hang the picture on that wall as it is facing the sun all day. 别把照片挂在那墙上,因为那墙整天晒着太阳。
Hang on tight; it's going to be a rough ride. 抓紧;汽车要颠簸了。

Language Point 3
"Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show." (Para. 1)
Meaning: Life is like a field that is covered with fresh snow. When I walk on it, the snow shows every step of mine.
Please notice that "where" here is a conjunction, meaning
1. at, to the place (at) which; 在任何地方
Where I live there are plenty of sheep. 在我住的地方有很多羊。
2. or/to any place at all that;去任何地方
Go where you like. 去你喜欢的地方吧。
3. while or whereas; but (=whereas) 而,但是
They want a house, where we would rather live in a flat. 他们想要栋房子,而我们却宁可住公寓。

Language Point 4
They didn't have to talk about it - they demonstrated this truth by their life style. (Para. 1)
Meaning: My grandparent didn't have to explain the saying; their life style just proved how true the saying is.
demonstrate: vt. 1. show clearly
The teacher demonstrated how to make the experiment. 老师演示了如何做这个实验。
The company demonstrated its new solar power system before a large audience. 公司在一大群观众面前演示了新的太阳能系统。
The amount of sickness in this district demonstrates that the water pollution levels are too high. 这地区疾病之多说明这里水污染太严重了。
When "demonstrate" is used in the sense of taking part in a march, it is an intransitive verb.
vi. 2. take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands
An angry crowd demonstrated in front of the mayor's office for more protection of the environment. 一群愤怒的人群在市长办公室前示威,要求加大环境保护的力度。
A large group of people were demonstrating in front of the factory, which had polluted the river. 一大群人在工厂门口抗议该厂污染了河流。

Language Point 5
They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that do not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. (Para. 2)
Meaning: They knew by instinct that being honest means that one should have his own personal standard of right or wrong and know his limits, and that the personal standard should not be let down for ease or comfort, or altered by the present situation.
Please notice that both the second and third that-clause, that is, "that does not ..." and "that is not ..." modify the word "standard".

Language Point 6
They understood instinctively that integrity ...(Para. 2)
integrity: n. honesty
People who lie, cheat, and steal have little integrity . 说谎、欺骗和偷窃的人都不是诚实的人。
A good judge must act with integrity at all times. 一个好法官在任何时候都必须以诚信办事做人。

Language Point 7
...involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries ...(Para. 2)
morality: n. 1. moral values, right or wrong
I'm not concerned with the morality of the question. 我不关心这个问题的是非道德。
We do not often consider the morality of our daily actions, though that should occupy a high position in our thinking. 虽然道德应在我们心目中占重要位置,可我们很少关心日常行为的道德问题。
2. quality, goodness
It's obvious from his cruel behavior that he has no morality . 从他残忍的行为看,他无德行可言。
boundary: n. 1. (figuratively) limit
the boundaries of human thought人类思想的限度
the boundaries of one's knowledge 一个人的知识的限度
2. dividing line
The lake forms part of the boundary between the two countries. 这湖成了两国的部分边界。
A fence forms the boundary between my garden and my neighbour's. 一道篱笆把我的花园与邻居的花园分隔了开来。

Language Point 8
...that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand . (Para. 2)
sell out (to): let down one's cause, one's side (to someone) 背叛事业或立场
They spoke of people who had sold out to the enemy. 他们提到了那些背叛投敌的人。
The leaders of the trade union were charged with selling out to the mangers. 工会领导被指责背叛了自己的立场,倒向了雇主。
convenience: n. 1. comfort
Many towns have camping places for the convenience of tourists. 很多城镇为方便游客而设立了野营场所。
The great convenience of your house is its position. 你的房子最大的便利在于其所处的位置。
2. usefulness
The convenience of buying meat already wrapped in packets increases its sale. 购买已经包好的肉所提供的便利增加了肉的销售量。
When I put these things here I was thinking only of your convenience . 我把这些东西放在这里时,只是考虑了对你方便。
at hand: 1. near in time or place 即将到来;近在手边
The great day is at hand. 伟大的日子即将到来。
2. being considered 在考虑之中
His question was not related to the question at hand . 他的问题与眼下的问题无关。

Language Point 9
Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior. (Para. 2)
Meaning: Honesty is a compass in your heart that judges your behavior.
inner: 1. more confidential; more secret
She keeps her inner thought to herself. 她不向别人透露她的内心思想。
2. inside
A closet is usually an inner room. 壁橱通常是墙内的一个地方。
The poem with an inner meaning is hard to understand. 这首具有内涵意义的诗很难懂。
The London railway that is under the ground has an inner circle and an outside circle. 伦敦地铁有内环线和外环线。

Language Point 10
Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today - and getting scarcer . (Para. 3)
Meaning: Unfortunately, integrity is in bad need now, and fewer people are honest.
in short supply: lacking; not quite available
These goods are in short supply ; therefore, the price will be high. 这些货正短缺,价格会上涨。
scarce: not much or many compared with what is wanted; hard to find
Good fruit is scarce now and costs a lot. 好水果现在不多,所以价格贵。
Chairs that are older than one hundred years are scarce . 百年以上的旧椅子不多了。
Because there is little water in the desert, trees are scarce .由于沙漠中缺水,所以树很少见。

Language Point 11
But it is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves. (Para. 3)
Meaning: But integrity is very important in every area of society, and it is education that is necessary to us.
the bottom line: the most important factor; the main or essential point 重要因素;关键的东西
The bottom line is that it's not making any money. 关键是这不赚钱。
The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody. 关键是这不能使每人都尽力。
Forget the detail and give me the bottom line . 细节就不要说了,说说关键的吧。
demand of: expect (something) from (someone or something) 期待;要求
Hard work will be demanded of students in this course. 这门课程要求学生用功去学。
The increased population is demanding too much of the electricity supply. 人口的增长对电力供应的需求太高了。

Language Point 12
A good test for this value is to apply what I call the "Integrity Triangle," which consists of three key principles: (Para. 3)
Meaning: If you want to see how important integrity is, just use what I call the "Integrity Triangle", which is made up of three important principles.
apply: v. 1. give or have an effect; use for a purpose
We should apply what we have learned in class to the experiment. 我们应该把我们课堂上所学到的知识运用到实验中去。
The rules apply to the management and the staff as well. 这些规则既适用于管理人员又适用于普通职工。
2. request officially
To get a job one has to apply for it. 要找工作得先申请。
3. cause to work hard, devote
It's difficult to apply oneself to an uninteresting task. 要让自己完成一项无趣的任务是很难的。
triangle: n. figure or shape with 3 straight sides and 3 corners
How many sides does a triangle have? 三角形有几条边?
consist of: be made up of
The official event consisted of several speeches, some music, and a film.这个仪式包括有几个讲话、一些音乐和一场电影。
The picnic dinner consisted of chicken, salad, vegetables, cake, and drinks. 野餐有鸡肉、色拉、蔬菜、蛋糕和饮料。

Language Point 13
Stand firmly for your convictions when confronted with personal pressure. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Don't give up your convictions in the face of personal pressure.
when confronted with: when you are confronted with; when you are faced with

Language Point 14
Stand firmly for your convictions ...(Para. 4)
stand for: 1. hold (an opinion); mean or believe (something such as a principle)
This decision goes against everything I stand for. 这一决定与我所主张的每一件事都格格不入。
2. accept or bear (something bad); bear with
I won't stand for any more of her bad manners; I shall ask her to leave my house. 我再也不能忍受她的粗鲁举止了,我要请她离开我的房子。
Why do you stand for such bad working conditions? 你们为什么去忍受这么差的工作条件?
3. represent
The letters PRC stand for the People's Republic of China. PRC这三个字母代表中华人民共和国。
conviction: n. very strong opinion or belief (This word was learned in Unit 4 B.)
She will not go against her convictions . 她不会违背她的信念。

Language Point 15
... a surgical nurse's assistance during her first day on the medical team ... (Para. 4)
Meaning: ... a surgical nurse's help during her first day when she worked among other members of the medical team ...
assistance: n. help
With your assistance , I can finish the job in time. 有你的帮助,我能按时完成工作。
on: among (是)......的成员;供职于
on a team (是)一个队的成员
I am on the committee considering new members for our club. 我是俱乐部委员会的委员,负责审查俱乐部新成员的资格。

Language Point 16
She was responsible for ensuring that all surgical instruments and materials were accounted for during an operation. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Her responsibility was to make sure that all surgical instruments and materials were returned during an operation.

Language Point 17
She was responsible for ensuring that...(Para. 4)
ensure: vt. 1. make sure or certain
Careful planning and hard work ensured the success of the party. 精心规划加上努力工作确保了晚会的成功。
The student's score of 610 on the TOEFL ensured that he would have no trouble being accepted by a university because of his English. 那个学生托福考了610分,可以确保在英语这一方面,被大学接收不成问题。
2. make sure of getting; secure
A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview. 一封介绍信可确保你能有机会去参加面试。
Money is not enough to ensure happiness; a person must be at peace with himself, too. 钱不足以使人幸福,人必须保持心态平和。

Language Point 18
...all surgical instruments and materials were accounted for ...(Para. 4)
account for: 1. give a statement about something
You'll have to account for where every penny goes. 你得说清楚每一分钱都用到哪里去了。
You have to account to the Head Office for any stamps you use. 你得向总部说明那些邮票的用处。
2. be or give a reason for (something or doing something)
He could not account for his foolish mistake. 他无法解释自己犯的愚蠢错误。
How do you account for losing such a large sum of money? 你丢了这么多钱,怎么解释呢?

Language Point 19
... the surgeon assured her. (Para. 5)
Meaning: ... the doctor told her confidently.
assure: vt. 1. tell positively or confidently
They assured us that the plane would be on time. 他们郑重告诉我们飞机会按时到达。
2. make (somebody) sure or certain; convince
He assured himself that the bridge was safe before crossing it. 过桥前他使自己确信桥是安全的。

Language Point 20
... protested the nurse. (Para. 6)
Meaning: ... objected the nurse.
protest: v. 1. make complaint, object 反对;抗议
The children protested against having adults in the game. 孩子们反对大人参加游戏。
2. declare seriously 宣称
The charged man protested his innocence. 被指控的男子宣称自己无辜。
n. 1. a statement that declines or objects 抗议
They yielded only after protest . 他们是在遭到抗议之后才妥协的。
2. a serious statement宣称
The charged man was judged guilty despite his protest of innocence.尽管那个被指控的男子宣称自己无辜,他还是被判有罪。

Language Point 21
" Think of the patient." (Para. 6)
Meaning: "Have the patient in your mind."
think of: 1. take into account; have in one's mind
Do be careful; think of your poor mother! 小心点,想想你那可怜的母亲吧!
I was thinking particularly of the children when I chose the house. 我选择这房子主要是为孩子着想。
I can't go tonight; I have my mother to think of . 今晚我不能去,我还要照顾我母亲呢。
When I said that, I was not thinking of her feelings. 我说那话时没有考虑到她的感受。
2. have thoughts concerning (something or someone)
You're very quiet; what are you thinking of ? 你一言不发,在想什么呀?
On her way to school Sandy was thinking of her brother Bill. 在上学的路上,桑迪想起了她哥哥比尔。
3. imagine (something or doing something) 想像
I'd like to go, but think of the cost! 我倒是想去,可想像一下那花费吧!
Can you think of why she should do such a thing? 你能想像她何以做出这种事情吗?
I can't think of living in a place which has no seasons. 我无法想像住在一个没有季节变化的地方会是种什么感受。

Language Point 22
"You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital," he assured her. (Para. 7)
Meaning: "You will do a good job in this or any other hospital," he told her positively.
do fine: do a good job 干得很好
fine: ad. (not formal) very well 很好
It suits me fine . 它正适合我。
The machine works fine if you oil it. 给它加点油,这机器就会工作得很好。

Language Point 23
When you know you're right, you can't concede . (Para. 8)
Meaning: When you know you're right, you can't back down.
concede: v. 1. yield 让步
He conceded us the right to walk through his land. 他作出了让步,同意我们从他的地盘上通过。
The master conceded 10 points to me at the start of the game, but, even
so, he beat me. 比赛开始时,那位大师让了我十个点,可即使这样,我还是输了。
2. admit as true, often unwillingly
Everyone concedes that 2 and 2 make 4. 谁都承认2加2等于4。
I concede that I had made a mistake. 我承认犯了个错误。

Language Point 24
Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. (Para. 9)
Meaning: Always give other people the praise that they merit.
give (the) credit: give (someone) praise (for something)
He was given credit for his work. 他因工作出色而受到赞扬。
To give someone credit for a good quality means to believe that they have it. 称赞某人的好品质意味着相信他具有这种好品质。
Cf.: get/take (the) credit: to be praised 受到赞扬
The young boy took all the credit for drawing the picture even though his teacher had done most of the work. 小男孩因画了这幅画而受到了许许多多的赞扬,尽管这画多半是他老师画的。

Language Point 25
...more intelligent than you are. (Para. 9)
intelligent : a. clever
He is a very intelligent . He could read when he was three years old. 他很聪明;3岁就能阅读。

Language Point 26
David Ogilvy, ..., clarified this point to his newly appointed office heads by sending each of them a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside. (Para. 10)
Meaning: David Ogilvy, ..., made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each of them a Russian nesting doll which contained five figures that were doll by doll smaller.
Here "this point" refers to what has been said in the last sentence of the previous paragraph.

Language Point 27
... clarified this point to his newly appointed office heads...(Para. 10)
clarify: vt. make clear; explain
The man from the foreign affairs office was unable to clarify the situation. 外事办公室来的那个男子无法解释这一情况。
appoint: vt. choose (someone) for a job, etc.
The present government has appointed him as defence minister. 现政府任命他为国防部长。
The teacher appointed her to chair the class meeting. 老师指定她主持班务会。

Language Point 28
...a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside. (Para. 10)
progressively: in a way of going from one to the next; step by step; bit by bit
My sight has got progressively worse over the years. 这些年来,我的视力越来越差。
The amount of the loan from the bank was progressively reduced. 银行的贷款越来越少。

Language Point 29
Be honest and open about who you really are. (Para. 12)
Meaning: Be yourself and don't pretend.

Language Point 30
People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors - their looks or status - in order to feel good about themselves. (Para. 12)
Meaning: People who don't have any real inner values rely on external influences such as their looks, status, clothes, etc. to make themselves confident or happy.

Language Point 31
People who lack genuine core values...(Para. 12)
genuine: a. real; true
They welcome him with genuine enthusiasm. 他们以真挚的热情欢迎他。
The sofa is made of genuine leather. 这沙发是真皮做的。
core: n. 1. (figurative) the central or most important part
This is the core of the discussion. 这是争论的核心。
That boy is honest to the core . 那孩子非常诚实。
2. the hard, central part, containing the seeds, of fruits like apples and pears
After eating the apple he threw the core away. 吃完苹果,他将核扔了。

Language Point 32
...rely on external factors - their looks or status - in order to feel good about themselves. (Para. 12)
external: a. 1. (figurative) easily seen but not essential; on the surface
Going to church seems like an external act of praise. 上教堂做礼拜似乎是一种表面赞美上帝的行为。
2. outside
the external layer of skin皮肤的表层
external air 外部的空气
This material is good for the house to keep out external heat. 这材料对防止室外的热量进入屋内很有用。
Many external factors affect the market in this country. 许多外界因素影响着这个国家的市场。
Externally he appears really calm, but on the inside he is as worried as anyone else is. 表面上他很平静,但内心却与其他人一样的不安。
feel good: feel happy, confident, pleased with oneself
I feel good when I'm singing. 我唱歌时感觉很好。
Some people give money to the poor not so much because they are concerned about doing good, but because it makes them feel good . 有的人给穷人钱不是因为他们热心为善,而是因为这样做可以使他们感觉好些。

Language Point 33
Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this false mask, but they will do very little to enhance their inner value and personal growth. (Para. 12)
Meaning: They will certainly do everything they can to keep the false appearance but will do almost nothing to increase their inner value or promote their personal growth.

Language Point 34
Inevitably they will do everything...(Para. 12)
inevitably: ad. unavoidably; certainly
Technological changes will inevitably lead to loss of jobs. 技术的改进将不可避免地会导致失业。

Language Point 35
... do everything they can to preserve this false mask ...(Para. 12)
preserve: vt. 1. keep; protect
We need to preserve the forest.我们需要保护这森林。
We will do everything to preserve peace. 我们将尽一切努力维护和平。
Farmers feel that their countryside homes should be preserved . 农民们感到他们在乡下的家应该被保留下来。
2. store
preserved eggs 皮蛋
mask: n. covering for the face, to hide or protect it
All the dancers are wearing masks . 所有跳舞的人都戴着面具。

Language Point 36
Don't engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. (Para. 13)
Meaning: Don't do anything to hide things in your life that do not please you.
engage in: 1. (cause to) take part in or work at (something); make (oneself) busy in
(something or doing something)
The Minister has been engaged in political affairs all his life. 这位部长一生与政治打交道。
Is it wise to engage in active sports at your age? 你这年纪从事剧烈的运动明智吗?
The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her neighbours' children. 这位老太太忙着给她邻居的小孩做衣服。
2. cause (someone or something) to be concerned in (something)
Be good enough to engage my aunt in conversation so that I can escape from this dull family party. 帮帮忙,去和我婶婶说说话,这样我就可以离开这没有情趣的家庭晚会了。

Language Point 37
" Tough times never last but tough people do," ... (Para. 13)
Meaning: "Hard times will come to an end sooner or later, but strong people will never be defeated by difficulties."
tough: a. 1. hard, difficult
These days are very tough . 这些日子很艰难。
It's a tough job. 这是一件难干的活儿。
2. strong
He is very tough and can carry this huge rock easily. 他很有力气,能轻而易举地抓起这块大石头。

Language Point 38
In other words , face reality and be mature in your responses to life's challenges. (Para. 13)
Meaning: That is to say, when life's challenges come, don't escape from them but meet them as a brave man.
in other words: that is (to say); put a different way; differently expressed 换言之
Pressure on the surface of an object changes with the depth of the object below the surface of the water. In other words , the farther down you go, the greater the pressure. 物体表面的压力随着物体在水下深度的变化而变化。换言之,你越往下按,压力就越大。
The traveling library services have been reorganised - in other words , they visit fewer places. 流动图书服务得到了调整--换言之,他们服务的地方减少了。

Language Point 39
Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. (Para. 14)
Meaning: Self-respect and a sense of right and wrong are essential to one's honesty and essential to improving one's relationships with others.

Language Point 40
Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components ...(Para. 14)
conscience: n. the sense of right and wrong
Let your conscience be your guide. 凭你的良心办事。
Her guilty conscience made her confess to her crime. 她的犯罪感使她供认了自己的罪行。
component: n. a necessary or essential part
A chemist can separate a medicine into its components .化学家能分离出药物的成分。
Most things are made of components . Some things have many components ; some have only a few. 大多数东西由部件组成;有的东西含有很多个部件,有的则很少。

Language Point 41
...and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. (Para. 14)
basis: n. (pl.: bases)
1. foundation
The basis of their friendship was a common interest in sports. 他们友谊的基础是都爱好体育。
We judge a worker on the basis of his performance.我们判断一个工人的基础是看他的表现。
2. the main part; base
The basis of his business is making watches but he also sells jewelry. 他的企业主要生产手表,同时也卖珠宝。
The money he got from his father was the basis for a new business. 从他父亲那里得到的钱是他做新生意的基础。
enrich: vt. 1. improve
Ordinarily, these " enriched " courses are kept for special students. 一般说来,这些"加深型"的课程是为特殊学生开设的。
2. make rich or richer
Many foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language.许多外来词和短语丰富了英语。
An education enriches your mind. 教育丰富了你的思想。
relationship: n. 1. friendship or connection between people
social relationships 社会关系
2. connection
What is the relationship of clouds to rain? 云与雨之间是什么关系?

Language Point 42
... not just fashionable or politically correct. (Para. 14)
Meaning: ... but not just because it is a thing that everyone does or because it is politically correct.
fashionable: a. popular; following the fashion 时髦的;时尚的
It's fashionable to go to the mountains for holidays. 去山里度假成了时髦的事儿。
Her hats are always fashionable , but they do not always suit her. 她的帽子总是很时髦,可并不都适合她。
We ate at a fashionable new restaurant. 我们是在一家考究的新餐馆吃的饭。

Language Point 43
A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. (Para. 14)
Meaning: If you have principles in your life, if you won't give up for some easy morality, you will be successful.

Language Point 44
A life of principle, of not yielding to ...(Para. 14)
yield: v. 1. give up; quit
One shall not yield oneself up to the mercy of the enemy. 人不应屈服于敌人的怜悯。
2. produce
This land yields good crops. 这块地长出了好庄稼。
This investment will yield a big profit. 这投资会带来丰厚的利润。

Language Point 45
...the tempting attractions of an easy morality, ...(Para. 14)
tempting: a. drawing in ; inviting
Having a lunch is a tempting idea. 吃中饭可是个很诱人的主意。
tempt: vt. draw in; invite
Your offer of a job tempts me greatly. 你为我提供的工作机会真让我动心。
attraction: n. 1. (figurative) drawing power; pull
Sports have great attraction for most boys. 对多数男孩来说,体育运动很有魅力。
2. a thing that delights or attracts people
The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus. 马戏中大象最吸引人。

Language Point 46
...will always win the day . (Para. 14)
win the day: (also carry/gain the day) win in a competition, , etc.; be successful
Good sense will always win the day in the end.有理智的人最后总是赢家。
Cf.: lose the day: lose in a competition, etc. 失败;没赢

Language Point 47
... without having to check your tracks in a rear -view mirror. (Para. 14)
Meaning: ... without looking back with a regret at what you have done.
rear: a. at the back; in the back 后面的
He left by the rear door of the house.他从房子后门走了。
She returned to rear military centre about fifteen miles behind the front lines. 她回到了离前线大约15英里的后方指挥部。
n. the back part; back
The kitchen is in the rear of the house. 厨房在房子的后面。