Unit 13
  自 测 练 习
  Ⅰ. 单项选择:(共20小题,每小题5分;满分100分)

(1)We’d better __________some more gas before the price goes up.
get over get in get on get off

(2)Alone in London, without work, friends, or money, Shelley fell into__________ .
despair sorrow decline sadness
(3)Electrical energy__________ from the sun in a round-about way is the most widely used energy today.
coming come to come having come

(4)Our letters are __________every morning at 8 o’clock.
arrived delivered delayed restored

(5)The laboratory was completely__________ by the fire.
faults fails mistakes defects

(6)He__________ his dollars into francs (法郎).
cashed changed transalted reformed

(7)__________I saw him I knew that there was no hope.
Of the moment This moment The moment For the moment

(8)The experiment is__________ to test the new drug.
repaired solved designed carried

(9)The train arrived twenty minutes late, but we were not told what caused the__________ .
delay late slow behind time

(10)The subject is __________to me.
domestic foreign wild inland


(11)He recommended that the teaching programme should be improved.
suggested insisted introduce said

(12)I think it becomes you.
belongs to benefits is suits

(13)What he is after is neither money nor fame.
in pursuit of looking after trying to do advocating

(14)The train will depart from platform 2 at 3:45 on Tuesday morning.
arrive stop leave derail

(15)We need an extra copy of the book for the newcomer.
a rare an additional an unusual an excellent

(16)Linda can barely read and write though she has recently graduated from high school.
seldom undoubtedly perfectly hardly

(17)She proposes that we have a birthday party for our English teacher.
suggests intends demands decides

(18)I answered the letter immediately.
at once briefly auickly swiftly

(19)As long as you keep trying, you’ll certainly succeed.
As Because No matter how If

(20)The police are looking into the mysterious disappearance of a two-year-old girl from her home.
finding out handling studying investigating