Unit Seventeen   Practicing

  1.Fill in the following blanks.
(1) I am calling to say goodbye. 
(2) What time will you leave?
(3) I'll come to see you off at the airport
(4) Thanks a lot
(5) Pleasant journey!
2.Translate the following sentences into English.
(1) It's time for us to say good-bye to each other.
(2) I have enjoyed all these days you have spent with us,and I'll always remember them.
(3) A happy journey home,and hope to see you again soon.
(4) How time flies! You've been in China for a month. We met as strangers,but today, we are departing as friends.
(5) It's a great pleasure for me to be your guide.
(6) Time really flies! The time has come for us to say goodbye.
(7) Please remember me to your family
(8) Hope you'll come to China again.
In some sense:从某种意义上说
broaden their fields of vision:开阔眼界
combines … with: 把… 和… 结合

    从某种意义上说,观光旅行是一种综合性娱乐。人们旅行是为了开阔眼界,增长知识休闲放松。旅游景点不单靠美丽的自然风光和人文景观,也靠现代化的娱乐设施吸引人。比如说健身房、台球室、歌舞厅、游泳池等,音乐会、杂技表演,戏剧表演都受到人们的喜爱,在大都市里修建的娱乐公园很受欢迎,一种新的旅游形式——人们在小船或筏子上顺水漂流——正受到越来越多人的青睐,它将观光和娱乐完美地结合在一起。人们可以欣赏河两岸如画的风景,同时享受戏水的乐趣。 