Language Points | Comprehension Questions
Text A    Western Manners
         A good conversationalist is popular anywhere, so conversation is an art worth studying. Notice what makes other people’s conversation attractive or unattractive. Practice saying only things which are interesting to others. It is bad taste in society to talk vainly about one’s self or one’s family. There are many interesting and fascinating subjects of conversation in these days-world issues, social problems, literature, art, music, psychology, education, science, sports, hobbies or any special interest one has in common with others. Nothing reveals more quickly the kind of person you re than the things you talk about.
       It is not good manners to speak of one’s own country as if it were more important or betterthan others. But neither is it good to speak badly of one’s country or call it “unworthy”.
      Western manners do not require one to say anything that is untrue, but it is best to avoid being too frank about things which would make people feel uneasy-unless by doing so you feel some good might cone of it. Speak naturally but not boastfully of the good things inyour own country, and speak appreciatively of what you can imbued with in the foreign country.
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