In a conversation or discussion it is bad manners to take more than your share of the time in talking when others wish to talk also. It is bad manners to
interrupt anyone else
when he is talking. It is bed manners to be dogmatic and sure of your own point of view, suggesting by your speech or action that no one else’s viewpoint is of any value. It is bad manners to get cross or surly or angry in a conversation or discussion. If you think as much of others as of yourself, you will not make any of these mistakes
It is considered impolite, when
in a small group, for two people to talk together in a language unfamiliar
to the others. If for any reason you find it absolutely necessary
to do so, you may say to the others, “Would you pardon me, please,
if I explain something to Mr. Spooner in Chinese?”
“Thank you ” is used much more frequently in the Westthan in China. When anyone does something for you, no matter how small and
no matter whether he is a superior or a servant, it is proper to say “Thank you”. For example, you would say “Thank you” in any of the following circumstances: if someone picked up and handed to you something you had dropped; if your neighbor at table or a servant passed some food to you; if someone showed you the way to go; if a member of the family, even if quite young, brought you something you wanted; if the postman handed you a letter; if a clerk in a store handed you the article you had bought, When anything is offered to you, it is not polite to say, “I don’t want it”, as Chinese manners would allow. You should say, “I don’t want it ”, as Chinese manners would allow. You should say, “Yes, thank you”, if you wish it; or “No, thank you,” if you refuse it.