Translation| Comprehension Questions
Text B Culture
         It is often assumed that if a culture is technologically advanced, it must be superior or that if a culture is young it must be inferior. Everyone tends to make value judgments about other cultures. (4)Finding fault with or making fun of other customs and beliefs is often merely a way of bolstering our complacency or our pride.It is certainly much easier to learn about other cultures if one approaches them with an open mind and if one respects differences rather than criticizing them. Often something that appears strange or unusual in another culture is in fact very logical and part of deeply rooted tradition. What might seem rude in one culture might seem perfectly normal and acceptable in another culture. Tolerance and curiosity are key factors in all cross-cultural learning experiences.
      (5)Although modern transportation and communications have reduced the world to a “global village”, there are still many fascinating cultural differences to explore. Discovering how people from other countries see the world can be an enriching experience. Tasting new foods, listening to different music, and studying the architecture or the literature of other cultures can open up new perspectives on life.
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