in terms of quality, quantity variety and the extent of continuous
production-from neolithic times to the present day.
但是从质量,数量,种类以及从新石器时代到现代不断的加工生产的程度方面来说,中国的玉或许在世界上是无与伦比的。 Remarkable
about these early pieces is the difficulty of working on jade, which
cannot be cleaved like other stones, but must be shaped by the process
of abrasion.
这些早期制品的显著之处在于玉的加工十分困难----玉不能象其它石头那样被分割,必须经过打磨过程才能出形. jade’s
hardness was believed to confer immortality on the wearer.
人们认为玉的硬度可赋予佩带者永恒不朽性. “Jade”is a corruption
of a Spanish word meaning “loin stone,”as jade was used in Central
America as a topical treatment for kidney disease.
玉是一个西班牙词的讹用,意思是“腰石”因为在中美洲玉被用作治疗肾病的时兴的手段. one
piece the size of a finger can be worth US$50,000, so obviously this
is not a trade that requires extensive premises.
手指大的一块玉可值50,000美元,因此很显然经营玉并不是一桩需要广泛经营场所的生意. |