








1. The animals and birds the Lord God made were all good companions of Adam.


2. The snake tricked the woman and persuaded her to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge.


3. Adam and Eve were punished and sent out of the Garden of Eden.


4. Adam and Eve were no longer allowed to eat the fruit of the tree of life. Therefore, they could not live for ever.


5. The snake was punished for life for its false words.


Learn to use the word “make” by finding in the text the English equivalent of each of the following

1. 制造宇宙万物

        make the universe

2. 造出一个合适的伙伴帮助他

        make a suitable companion to help him

3. 让各种美丽的树木生长

        make all kinds of beautiful trees grow

4. 让那人熟睡

        make the man fall into a deep sleep

5. 我要让你和女人相互仇恨

        make you and the woman hate each other

6. 让大地为你生产够吃的食物

        make it (the ground) produce enough food for you

7. 让土地生产万物

        make the soil produce anything

8. 让他耕作土地

        make him cultivate the soil

make (1) vt. =construct or produce, bring into existence 建造;制造;产生

        (2) vt. =compel; force; persuade 迫;强使;说服

make for 向某方向移动

        e.g. The frigate made for the open sea.


make out

(1) 写出;开出

        e.g. She made out a list for the grocer.


(2) 看出来;认出来

        e.g. We made out a figure in the darkness.


make up

(1) 补足

        e.g. Our losses have to be made up with more loans.


(2) 捏造,编造

        e.g. The whole story is made up.


Find in the text the English equivalent of each of the following and learn what can be planted and cultivated.

1. 那时没有人耕种土地。

        There was no one to cultivate the land.

2. 上帝在伊甸园栽种了一片园子。

        The Lord God planted a garden in Eden.

3. 男人被放在伊甸园中耕种和守卫伊甸园。

        The man was placed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.

4. 于是上帝将他逐出伊甸园,并让他耕种他赖以生存的土地。

        So the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden and made him cultivate the soil from which he had been formed.


吉林大学远程教育学院 Distant Education College, Jilin University