








1.(not )in any way=in no way 一点也不

  e.g. We can not in any way allow this to continue. 我们无论如何也不能允许这种情况继续下去。

2.at least       至少

  e.g. You should at least have warned her. 你至少也应该警告她。

3.at present       现在,此刻

  e.g. We don’t need any more at present. 我们现在不需要更多的了。

4.(be or work )on committees       任委员会委员

  e.g. Jim’s Dad is on the factory strike committee. 吉姆的爸爸是工厂罢工委员会的委员。

5.on the right-hand side of    在…的右手一侧

  e.g. There’s a bank just on the right-hand side of the restaurant. 在饭店右手边就有一家银行。

6.in a few seconds   几秒钟的功夫(过了几秒钟)

  e.g. I shall be ready in a few seconds. 几秒钟内我即将准备妥当。

7.hit the officer in the face向军官脸上击了一拳

  e.g. The runaway hit the officer in the face so that he could escape. 逃跑者向军官脸上击了一拳以便能逃脱。

8.by chance       偶然

  e.g. I met him by chance on Fifth Avenue. 我在第五大街上偶然遇见了他。

9.make a noise       发出响声

  e.g. He was careful not to make a noise when he went downstairs. 他下楼梯时小心翼翼不发出响声。

10.be on one’s feet       站了起来

  e.g. No sooner had the question been put than he was on his feet to reply. 问题一被提出来他就站起来回答。

Translation of some difficult sentences from the text

1.       Her leg was troubling her badly, and she sat down with satisfaction.


2.       Once she had been of some importance in the world. She had worked on committees.


Be + of + Noun:


e.g. This matter is of great importance. (=This matter is greatly important.)


3.       The back of a policeman’s coat is a dull view; but it was too much trouble to move.


4.       By chance more than by arrangement it went between the knees of those wonderful legs, and he fell heavily to the ground with a loud cry.


5.       She never believed that sitting there improved her health in any way; but Dr. Lund had said that she must be out of her flat, and in the open air, for at least two hours every day.


6.       Well, with this leg, I can’t walk for two hours a day, she had replied sharply;…


7.       Her own days were long and dull, and time passed slowly for her.


8.       She pulled her coat more closely round her shoulders. The day was cold, and her coat was getting thin; but she was glad enough to have a coat of any kind.


9.       In a few moments the usual stream of men and women was rushing through the gate.


10.   The other people there were so surprised by these events that they stood still with expressions of disbelief on their faces.


11.   Mrs. Frobisher’s admiration of the young man changed to anger.


吉林大学远程教育学院 Distant Education College, Jilin University