    >>>>   Unit One
    >>>>   Unit Two
    >>>>   Unit Three
    >>>>   Unit Four
    >>>>   Unit Five
    >>>>   Unit Six
    >>>>   Unit Seven
    >>>>   Unit Eight
    >>>>   Unit Nine
    >>>>   Unit Ten
    >>>>   Unit Eleven
    >>>>   Unit Twelve
    >>>>   Unit Thirteen
    >>>>   Unit Fourteen
    >>>>   Unit Fifteen
    >>>>   Unit Sixteen
    >>>>   Unit Seventeen
    >>>>   Unit Eighteen
    >>>>   Unit Nineteen
    >>>>   Unit Twenty
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-one
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-two
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-three
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-four
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-five
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-six
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-seven
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-eight
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-nine
    >>>>   Unit Thirty

Multiple-choice Questions

1. Throngs of Americans flowed to South Dakota primarily because_____.

A) the east was overpopulated
B) the Indians had been driven away
C) gold was discovered there and settlement had begun
D) the settlers were having war against the Indians.

2. From Mrs. Orpha Haxby’s letter to some school children, we can conclude that ____.

A) she was rather excited during her trip to Rapid City
B) she suffered a great deal during her trip to Rapid City
C) She now enjoys a peaceful life in Rapid City
D) the settlement in the west was both exciting and profitable

3. Of the four cats the family brought with them on the journey, only one finally got to Rapid City, because the other three____.

A) were sold
B) were sent to friends
C) became sick and died
D) failed to return to the wagon when the family moved on

4. The foods they had during the trip mainly consisted of ______.

A) bread, milk , and eggs
B) bread, milk, vegetables and meat
C) bread, milk, bacon and canned food
D) bread, milk , preserved meat and dried fruits

5. In nearly 50 days, they had travelled only 300 miles, mainly because_____.

A) there was then no road leading to Rapid City
B) they had to hide from the Indians from time to time
C)their wagon was pulled by oxen which travelled slowly
D)they were delayed by bad weather

6. The author mentioned the lonely house on the prairie because______.

A) she wanted to show the hard life of the early settlers
B) the young couple let the family come in to get warm
C) it was the place where the family had enjoyed themselves most
D) the young couple needed their help

7. The family chose to take the trip in winter in order to ______.

A) be able to cross the two big rivers on the ice
B) avoid the Indians’ attacks
C) get to their destination in spring
D) avoid the summer heat

Put the Following into English

1. 热情款待某人

2. 你最好带上地图, 以免在城里迷了路。(in case)

3. 当火车到的时候没,成群的人涌向月台。 (throng)

4. 简爱的穿戴和她的孪生姐妹完全一样, 只是她戴了顶帽。 (except that)

5. 许多旧家具将不得不被舍弃。(leave behind)

6. 他的三个兄弟和两个姐妹先后被敌人杀害。(at different times)

7. 他总是意识到自己出身卑贱。(conscious)