in accord with the quality of the meal so that these restaurants are the most expensive and luxurious of all food service establishments.
The family-type restaurant: Many eating places serve simple food at moderate prices that appeal to family groups.
Perhaps their principal feature is the reliability they offer their customers through standardized food and service. Many of these restaurants are owned by chains or operated under a franchise, and arrangement in which the name and procedures of the business are leased from a central organization. When a family stops on a highway to eat at a franchise restaurant, they know what kind of food they will get and what the price will be.
The specialty restaurant (vegetarian, pizza, soup and salad bars, etc.): This kind of restaurant offers a limited variety or style of food. It may specialize in steaks or in a particular kind of national food or it may depend on the atmosphere,
decor, or personality of the owner to attract customers. Both the qualities of the food and the prices are usually between
The convenience restaurant (fast food): This restaurant serves customers who want to eat in a hurry or are most
interested in fast service, cleanliness, and low prices. This is a very large group of restaurants which includes several
subcategories. One of these is the lunch counter which ordinarily serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages. A
modern variation on the lunch counter is the fast food operation. Thousands of these establishments have sprung up all over
the world in recent years. Fast foods are those which can be prepared, served and eaten quickly, probably the most typical fast food is the hamburger, a grilled patty of ground beef served between the