Unit seven Domestic Tour

Dialogue | Text A | Text B | Key Words | Basic Exercises | 上一页

Key to Exercises: (练习答案)
1. Fill in the following blanks.
1) in the middle of this big lake now 2) far from the maddening crowd 3) is absolutely beautiful
4) If I were a poet 5) Ode to the West Lake 6) compose a masterpiece here and now
2. Translation from Chinese into English
1) Beijing is not only one of the four municipalities directly under the central government administration, but also the second largest city in China.
2)In 2008 Beijing will host the Olympic Games.
3) Beijing is well-known for its long history and splendid culture.
4) Beijing has a total population of 14.56 million, of which Han nationalities take up 96.5%.
5) Beijing covers an area of 416808 square kilometers with 16 districts and 2 counties.
Special Economic zone 经济特区
lush a.(尤指草木)茂盛的,葱郁的
rolling a.(土地)绵延起伏的
Gulangyu (Gulang Island)鼓浪屿岛
dot v.[常用被动语态](星星点点地)布满;点缀
fortress n.堡垒
international route 国际航线 domestic flight 国内航班(线)
厦门是中国5个经济特区之一,又是著名的风景游览区。 鼓浪屿岛上树木葱郁,繁花盛开,沙滩绵延起伏,怪石林立.菽庄花园,毓园,华侨亚热带植物引种园,日光岩等等,以及郑成功纪念馆,点缀了鼓浪屿无尽的秀色.南普陀寺院建筑宏伟壮观,是闽南著名佛寺丛林。与其毗邻的还有厦门大学,鲁迅纪念馆,陈嘉庚纪念馆,华侨博物院,以及胡里山炮台诸景。 厦门经济特区投资环境有了极大的改善.交通和旅游接待设施日趋完善,开辟有四条国际航线和十条国内航线,为旅游,贸易提供了便利的条件。

吉林大学远程教育学院 Distant Education College, Jilin University