Swiss Airlines. Can I help you?
Passenger: Yes, I’d like to reserve a flight to New
York. 乘客:是的。我想订一张去纽约的机票。 R:
Please tell me your name. R:请告诉我您的名字。
P: Li Nan. P:李南。 R:
Just a moment, please. Let me check for you.
R:请稍等。我来为您查一下。 P: OK
.I don’t mind. P:好的,没关系。 R:
We have two flights at 2:00p.m. and 5:00p.m. Both flights
have seats available. R:我们有两次航班,下午2:00和5:00的。两次航班都有座位。
P: I’d like to take the first available flight.
P:我想乘第一班飞机。 R: Which
would you prefer, first or economy? R:您想要头等舱还是经济舱?
P: Economy, please. How much is the fare?
P:请买一张经济舱。机票多少钱? R:
$300. R:300美元。
P: OK. Here you are. What time does the flight
get into New York? P:好的,给您。飞机什么时间到纽约? R:
At 20:00. Any other questions? R:20:00。还有什么问题吗?
P: When do I have to check in? P:
什么时候办理登机手续? R: OK. Thanks
a lot. R:好的。非常感谢。
P: You have to be there an hour before the departure.
Thank you for flying with us. P:您必须在起飞前一小时到机场。谢谢您乘坐我们的飞机。