One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Three  Have Trouble With the Customs

Official: Mr. Cheng. Mr. Cheng from China. .
O:you are Mr. Cheng from China, aren’t you?
C: Yes, I am.
O: On what status are you traveling??

C: I’m a general manager and I’m invited to attend the
Fair here.
O: How long do you expect to be staying in America?
C: Three weeks.

O: Have you finished filling out your declarations?
C: Two hours.
O: What’s the weather like in New York now?
C: Well. I’ve filled in those items listed in the form. Here you are. .
O: Have you got anything to declare? Any gifts for people in this country? Have you got any spirits or tobacco?
C: I’ve brought some small gifts for friends, and here is a carton of cigarettes I bought on the plane.
O: One carton of cigarettes is your duty-free allowance. May I have a look at the gifts?
C:Yes, here they are, under here. I have only a few small gifts---the total value is under $100.