One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Two    A Visit to Disneyland

John: You went to Disneyland yesterday, didn't you?
J: 你昨天去了迪斯尼乐园是吗?
Betty: Yes, I did.
B: 是的.
J: How did you like it?
J: 怎么样啊?
B: Marvelous! Everyday people arrive there in a stream of cars and buses. have never seen such a crowded and charming resort.
B: 太棒了.每天人们都随着车流蜂拥而至.我从来没有见过如此拥挤和迷人的地方.
J: Among these visitors which is the biggest group: children, adults, or old people?
J: 游人中什么人最多呢?是小孩,成人, 还是老年人?
B: Disneyland attracts people of all tastes and most income groups, and
people of all ages, from toddlers to grand-fathers.

B: 迪斯尼乐园吸引了各种品位的人们,大多数的工薪族以及各年龄段的人们,从学步小孩到老人都来了.
J: What are the attractive features of Disneyland?
J: 迪斯尼乐园具有什么样的迷人特征?
B: The central attraction of the Magic Kingdom is a place of excitement and thrills for everyone.
B: 魔术世界是迪斯尼乐园最具吸引力的地方,让每个人激动万分.

J: How long does a visit last?
J: 游览需要多长时间呢?
B: That depends on how much you want to see. You should have a map in hand so shat you always know where you are.
B: 那要看你要游览多少景点了.你应该带一张地图,这样你就可以随时知道你自己处于何方了.

J: What part of the visit excited you most?
J: 最令你激动的是什么?
B: A stereoscopic film “Grand Canyon”. That’s really a special attraction.
B: 是立体电影“大峡谷”.太吸引人了.