One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Four   In a Department Store

在 百 货 商 店
H: Will it shrink?
H: 缩水吗
S: No, the outside material is nylon and the inside material is blended abric.Neither of them shrinks.
S: 不缩水,衣服面料是尼龙的,衬里面料是合成纤维的。这两种面料都不缩水。
H: Can I try it on to see how it fits?
H: 我能不能试穿一下,看看是否合身?
S: Of course you can. ( Mrs.Huang puts the coat on.)
S: 当然可以。(黄女士穿上衣服)
S: You look very nice in it. It’s really becoming to you.
S: 你穿这件衣服看起来非常漂亮。这件衣服真是太合适你了。
H: I feel the same too. O.K., I’ll take this one. How much is it?
H: 我觉得也是。好吧,我就买这件。多少钱?
S: That’s 160 dollars.
S: 160美元。
H: Here’s 200 dollars.
H: 这是200美元。

S: Oh, no, you don't pay here. Please take these receipts and pay the cashier over there.
S: 啊,不,你不在这付钱。请拿收据把钱付给那边的出纳员。
H: O. K. I’ll be right back. ( She pays and returns with the stamped receipts.)
H: 好,我马上回来。(她付完钱,拿回盖了戳的收据)
S: This green receipt is for you to keep. Shall I wrap up the coat for you?
S: 这张绿色收据由你保存。我把衣服给你包上好吗
H: No, please don’t bother. I’ll walk out in it. Thank you very much.
H: 不用麻烦了。我穿着这件衣服走。非常感谢。
S: My pleasure. Have a nice day!
S: 不客气。祝您愉快!