One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Five  In a Supermarket
  Clerk: Good morning, madam. Could I be of service to you?
Mrs.Li: Yes. Where can I find a cart?
C: Right over there.
L: Sir, can you tell me where your cereal section is? I want to get some rice.
C: Two rows up on the right. You can't miss it.
L: I’m told you sell the rice made in China. Why can’t I find it?
C: Sorry, I’m afraid we are out of stock today.
L: Are you likely to be getting any more in?
C: Yes, we are expecting some new stock tomorrow. Please come earlier tomorrow.
L: Sir, where is your meat section? I want to buy some beef, ham and sausage.
C: Go straight down to the end and then turn left. You’ll find the sign “Meats and Poultry”.
L: Thanks a lot. By the way, where shall I pay for the food stuff?
C: At the checkout counter near the main entrance.