One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Five  In a Supermarket  
n. 1. 储备品,备用物;供应物
we have provided ourselves with stocks of food. 我们已储备了大量食品。
How long will coal stocks last? 存煤可以用多久?
Have you any of the blue shirts in stock? 你们有蓝衬衫现货吗?
in stock 有现货;
out of stock 无现货
 get sth in
  1. to collect or buy a supply of 收割;买进
The farmers are getting the crops in . 农民在收割庄稼.
We had better get in some more coal before the price goes up.
2. to deliver to the proper place. 递送.送交
Can you get your essay in by next week? 你能在下周送交你的论文吗?
n.. (u) (informal) things in a mass (非正式)东西
Have you brought your swimming stuff? 你带了游泳用的东西了?
 checkout counter
  (自助商店的) 付款台