One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Four   In a Department Store

在 百 货 商 店
Mr.Smith: What can I do for you?
S: 想买衣服吗?
Mrs.Huang: Yes. I am looking for a coat. Could you show me some?
H: 是的.我在挑件衣服.能拿几件给我看看吗?
S: Sure. We have fur coats, leather coats, silk coats, synthetic fiber coats and feather coats. What kind of coat would you like to have?
S: 可以.我们的衣服有皮的,革的,真丝的,合成纤维的,以及羽绒的.你想要那种?
H: I’d like to buy a feather coat, because my friend has told me this city is famous worldwide for its feather products.
H: 我想买件羽绒外衣.因为我的朋友曾告诉过我本市以其羽绒制品闻名于世.
S: You are absolutely right. What size do you wear?
S: 你说的完全正确.你穿几码的?
H: I wear size 7.
H: 我穿7码的.
S: How about this brown one? This style is very popular now.
S: 这件棕色的怎么样?这种款式现在非常流行.
H: It’s quite nice.
H: 这件是不错.
S: Furthermore, the sleeves are detachable. See, when you take them off, the coat becomes a vest.
S: 此外,衣袖是可拆下的.瞧,你把袖子拆下来,这件衣服就变成了一件背心.
H: That’s really very convenient. By the way, is the filling real feather?
H: 这真是太方便了.顺便问一句,里面的填充物是纯羽绒吗?
S: It’s guaranteed pure feather.
S: 保证是纯羽绒。
H: Is the color fast?
H: 颜色不褪色吧?
S: Yes, it’s durable for washing.
S: 不褪色,很耐洗。