Good morning, sir. May I help you?
S: 早上好,先生.要帮忙吗?
Mr. Liu: Yes, can you suggest
a gift for a twelve-year old girl?
L: 是的.能推荐一个适合十二岁女孩的礼物吗?
S: How about some dolls? Girls that age are especially
fond of them.
S: 玩具娃娃怎么样?那种年龄的女孩特别喜欢娃娃.
L: She’s already got plenty of
dolls. I'd like to give her something different this time.
L: 她已经有很多玩具娃娃拉!这次我想送她别的礼物.
S: Maybe you can buy her a watch. You see, I have
a very wide selection of watches.
S: 或许你可以给她买块手表.你瞧,我这有各种各样的手表.
L: This is a good idea. Can you
recommend one for me?
L: 好主意,你能向我推荐一款吗?
S: This kind of watch is the latest fashion. It's
very popular among children.Furthermore, the quality is excellent
and it is cheap too.
S: 这种表是最新流行式样,非常受孩子们的欢迎,此外,它的质量非常好,而且价格也便宜.
L: I suppose my daughter will
like it. What do you charge for it?
L: 我想我女儿会喜欢的,要多少钱?
S: 25 dollars.
S: 25美元.
L: That's too dear. Can you come
down a bit?
L: 太贵了,能便宜点吗?
S: How much would you like it to be?
S: 你想多收钱买?
L: I can give you no more than
$20. Can you sell it for that?
L: 不超过20美元.这个价能卖吗?
S: That's almost cost price. But since you are my
first customer today. I accept your price.
S: 这个价几乎是成本价.但因为你是我今天的第一位顾客,我接受你的价位.
L: Well, could you wrap it up
for me?
L: 好,能替我包上吗?
S: Certainly. I'm sure your daughter will like this
beautiful watch.
S: 当然可以.我相信你女儿会喜欢这块漂亮的手表的.
L:Thank you !
L: 谢谢.
S:You are welcome.
S: 不客气. |