One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Three   At an Arts and Crafts Store  
 pale blue
 Chinese landscape painting
v. to put things into cases, boxes , etc. 把(物品)打包
We will leave tomorrow but I haven’t begun to pack yet!
He remembered to pack his toothbrush. 他没有忘记把牙刷装入行李。
opposite 反义词:unpack拆开包 n. 包(裹),捆
 come to
  amount to 共计,总数为
The bill came to ten dollars. 帐单金额总共是十美元。
n. 1. (for) 收费,费用
Is there any charge for having the goods delivered? 送货收不收费?
What are the charges in this hotel? 这家旅馆的住宿费用是多少?
2. (of) 主管 ,掌管
She took charge of the family business when her father died .
The company is in / under my charge while the director is away.
3. (against , of) 控告,罪名
He was arrested on a charge of murder. 他被控谋杀罪而被拘捕
The police brought a charge (of murder) against him. 警察控告他(犯有谋杀罪)
v. 1. (for) 要价;(向……)收费
How much do you charge for a double room?双人房间你们收费多少?
2. (with) 控告,指控
He was charged with the robbery. 他被指控抢劫。
3. (+obj +to do , +obj +with) 使负责;委予
She charged me to look after (with looking after ) her son .