One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Four    Saying Good bye

  S: It's a pity we haven't enough time for many other places. 
L: Come again to China. You're always welcome!
H: I certainly shall. Thank you.
亨:当然会再来。谢谢。 

L: Then, I'll be pleased to be a guide again for you and the rest of the group.
H: Wonderful. I hope we'll keep in touch.

L: So do I.
李:我也这么想。 
S: I'll write to you, Mr. Li when I'm back.
史:李先生,我回去后会给你写信的。 
H/S: We welcome you, Mr. Li to our country for a tour or a visit, too.
亨/史:李先生,也欢迎你到我们的国家旅游参观。 

L:I will if there's a chance.
李:有机会我会去的。 
H/S: We'll be your guide then.
亨/史:那时我们给你当导游。 

L: Thank you.
李:谢谢。 
H: Well, let's go aboard. They're starting up the engines.
S / H: Goodbye, Mr. Li!
史/亨:再见,李先生。 

L: Goodbye. I hope you'll come to China again. Bon voyage!
李:再见,希望你们再到中国来。一路平安! 
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