例: Tracking
the THOMAS COOK Legend is an Inspiration!
In 1841,it was the horse carriage. Today,
it’s on the wings of the Concorde.
THOMAS COOK, the founder was a dedicated man;
so is our present team of. professionals of Thomas Cook India, from
amongst whom…the National Travel Association has selected its President…KARAN
SARWAL an expert equally dedicated to serving the cause of the tourist
Thomas Cook ranks high as Travel Specialists/Tour
Operators. Inbound/ Outbound. Our services range from arranging well.
Planned Itineraries for Groups/ Individuals / Business Executives
to issuing Travelers Cheques, acceptable worldwide, freighting cargo
and other allied travel activities.
Thomas Cook , the trusted name in travel,
译文: 托马斯·库克旅游公司
踏着托马斯·库克的足迹旅行,是多么鼓舞人心的快事啊! 1984年乘四轮马车旅行,而今乘协和式飞机旅行。托马斯·库克致力于旅游。印度托马斯·库克公司现在拥有一批献身于旅游的专业人员,其中凯伦·萨活被推选为全印旅游协会主席。他同样又是一位旅游业服的专家。
托马斯·库克公司是出入境旅游的高级专家、旅游经营公司。 服务范围:为团体旅游、个人旅游、工商人士旅游服务。从精心安排、设计旅游日程,到签发全世界接受的旅行支票,货运及其他有关的旅游活动。
托马斯·库克公司誉满全球 |