Points | Translation
| Comprehension Questions |
Text A Advertising |
the ancient tine, how did dealers attract the customers to make purchase
decisions? How
can we thrive the tourist industry? What
do people think the most important means in tourist business is?
means of advertising is the most effective one mentioned in the passage?
ancient Greek towns, dealers blew horns to attract customers; in Rome,
a goat signified a school. The
tourist industry, as a third industry, a service or hospitality industry
to promote people-to-people understanding and earn hard currency,
cannot survive let alone thrive without a continued increase in the
incoming tourist traffic. The
sharp increase in travel advertising spending is a convincing point
in the importance of travel advertising for business success in this
competitive world of tourism, It is encouraging to witness the increasing
awareness in travel advertising in Chinese tourism circles. A
better approach, however, is to view advertising as having communication
objectives that seek to inform, persuade, and remind potential customer
of the product or service. Advertising seeks to condition the customer
to have a favorable viewpoint toward the product and to promote the
likelihood that the customer will buy a particular product or service.