Translation | Comprehension Questions
Text B     Advertising
  Advertising is the growing business of bringing information to a large number of people for the purpose of simply to make a “target group” respond in a way to the advertiser’s desires.
They must figure out how to reach the maximum number of people at the lowest possible cost.
The advertising agency is no other than a service company.
Large agencies employ a great variety of specialists, among whom are writers, artists, photographers, film-production specialists, musicians, actors, producers, and directors. Experts in economics, law, accounting, marketing, media, management, and research are also involved in the advertising business.
Very often, even such factors as climate, season of the year, and holidays have a bearing on sales
A customer may buy a certain brand of face soap because it is used by a glamorous or favorite movie star or noted sports figure.
When selecting a new refrigerator, that same consumer may be attracted by a smart or colorful model. Or perhaps that consumer is most concerned with how much food the refrigerator will hold and how efficiently it uses energy.