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1.ticket [ 5tikit ] n. 入场券,票=written or printed piece of card or paper giving the holder the right to travel in a train, bus, ship, etc or to a seat in a cinema, concert hall, etc e.g. Do you want a single ticket or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票? 2.dressmaker [5dresmeIkE]n. 裁缝=woman who makes women’s dresses e.g. I’ll ask my dressmaker to make another coat for my daughter. 我要请我的裁缝再为我女儿做一件衣服。 3.donkey [5dRNkI] n. 驴=ass e.g. Dish-washing is really a donkey-work. 洗盘子的确是件辛苦而令人讨厌的工作。 4.sign [saIn] n.迹象,标记=something that gives evidence e.g. There are no signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住的迹象。
1. come along 快点,赶快 e.g. Come along — we’ll be late for the theatre! 赶快——我们看戏要迟到了。 2. run away 逃走 e.g. The maid ran away with the duchess’s jewels. 女仆带了公爵夫人的珠宝逃走了。 3. go on 继续,说下去 e.g. How much longer will this hot weather go on? 这种热天气还要继续多久? 4. set free 释放,使…自由 e.g. The prisoner will be set free as soon as the fine is paid. 一交清罚款,囚犯就可以被释放。 Notes(1) That leaves me with number 28: That is to say I have to go to number 28. (2) but it was sad and deeply lined: but the face was sad and covered with wrinkles. (3) talk the back leg off a donkey: an idiom, meaning to talk so much that she will make anyone listen to her in the end (4) could not see any sign of Mr. Box: could not seen Mr. Box at all (5) They must be your people from number 28: They must be the people you are looking for from number 28. (6) in his slow, heavy English: he spoke English slowly, with a deep, unclear voice 用浑浊不清的英语 (7) Moscow ([5mRskEJ]): capital of the former Soviet Union (8) Set fee: given freedom Translation1. … but he was too wise to say so. 但他很有头脑,决不会把这种想法说出来。 2. That leaves me with number 28. 这么说,我是非去28号不可了。 3. He had to go on. 他只得硬着头皮往下说。 4. Peter often said that his mother “could talk the back leg off a donkey”. 彼得常说他妈有一条三寸不烂之舌。 5. “My good friend,” he said in his slow, heavy English, “today you have given us back our son!” “我亲爱的朋友,”他说道,他英语说得很慢,声音深沉且又含糊不清,“今天你们帮我找到了我们的儿子。” 6. Mr. Baker did not like some of Peter’s girl friend, but he was too wise to say so. 贝克先生并不喜欢彼得的有些女朋友,不过他想还是不说为妙。 be too + 形容词 + to do,太…以至于不… e.g. He is too sick to talk to you. 他病得太重了,不能和你说话。 在文章中同样的还有: Mr. Baker was too surprised to answer. 贝克先生太吃惊了,没有回答。 But it was too late to turn back now. 可话已出口,无法收回。 7. At seventeen he was old enough to take care of himself. 他都十七岁了,完全能够自己照顾自己了。 be + 形容词 + enough + to do, 已经…足以… e.g. He is clever enough to answer all the questions. 他非常聪明,能够回答所有的问题。 在文章中相同的还有: Few people were strong-minded enough to say “no” to her. 很少有人能够固执到对她说声“不”。 8. She had a beautiful face, but it was deeply lined. 她曾经有张漂亮的脸庞,但现在神色忧伤,满脸皱纹。 9. Peter soon found a girl friend and began to dance with her, but his father and mother felt too old for this kind of dancing. 彼得很快找到了一个女伴,开始跟她跳舞,而他父母已经跳不动这种舞了。 10. “There is nothing to be sorry about, Mr. Baker. This is the happiest day of my life. And I have to thank your family for that.” “贝克先生,你根本用不着道歉。今天是我最幸福的一天,而且感谢你们全家为此所作的一切。” 11. Mr. Baker stood there with his mouth open, but said nothing. 贝克先生站在那儿,张着嘴却一语未发。
Distant Education College, Jilin University |