








1.legend[5ledVEnd] n. 传说=an unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical

        The image of dragon often appears in legends.


2.guardian[5^B:dIEn] n. 监护人=one that guards, watches over, or protects

        It is said that everyone has a guardian angel.


3.exile[5eksaIl] n. 流放=enforced removal from one's native country

        He had been five years in exile.


4.capture[5kAptFE] vt. 捕获,俘获=to take captive, as by force or craft; seize

        The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city.


5.carpet[5kB:pIt] n. 毛毯,地毯=a thick, heavy covering for a floor, usually made of woven wool or synthetic fibers; a rug

        There is a carpet of leaves and pine needles on the forest floor.


6.amused [E`mju:zd]adj. 被逗乐(的);表示愉快的=delighted

        He felt amused at the baby’s naughty expression.


7.charm [tFB:m]vt. 迷住;吸引;=to attract or delight greatly

        We were charmed with the scenery.


n. 魅力;妩媚=the power or quality of pleasing or delighting; attractiveness

        This town, clean and quiet, has a charm you couldn't find in a big city.


8.assassin[E5sAsIn] n. 刺客;暗杀者=one who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person

        He hired an assassin to kill his competitor.


9.senate[5senIt] n. (古罗马)元老院=the supreme council of state of the ancient Roman Republic and later of the Roman Empire

        In ancient Roman Empire, the senate had the right to decide life or death.


10.nephew[5nevju:] n. 侄子;外甥=a son of one's brother or sister or the brother or sister of one's spouse

        He didn’t forget to buy present for his nephew.


11.alliance[E5laIEns] n. 联盟=a close association of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interests or causes

        The two countries made an alliance.


12.portrait[5pC:trIt] n. 人像,画像,肖像=a likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer, for example

        He painted a portrait of his daughter.


13.personal[5pE:sEnl] adj. 个人的;私人的=of or relating to a particular person; private

        Don't be too personal.


14.civil [5sIvl]adj. 国内的;民用的;文明的=within a country

        The war between the north and the south is also called the American civil war.


15.skilful [5skIlfJl]adj. 熟练的;有技术的=proficient

        He is skilful in drawing.


16.luxury[5lQkFErI] n. 奢侈,奢侈的享受=sumptuous living or surroundings

        They live in luxury in a very big house.


17.despair[dis5pZE] n. 绝望=complete loss of hope

        He gave up the attempt in despair.


18.conceal [kEn5si:l]vt. 隐藏=to keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide

        He concealed the sweets in his pocket.


19.serpent[ 5sE:pEnt] n. = snake

        The serpent fascinated its prey.


20.magnificent [mA^5nIfIsEnt]adj. 庄严的;宏大的= grand; splendid in appearance

        The magnificent scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.


吉林大学远程教育学院 Distant Education College, Jilin University