








1.Kings and queens financed to set up the colleges of Cambridge.


2.At Cambridge, every student belongs to a member of his college.


3.The colleges in Cambridge are for the education of priests and scholars.


4.John Smith goes once a week to another college to see his his tutor.


5.You’d better go on food when attending your classes.


1. We call Cambridge a university town because_________.

[A] over 10 000 students are studying there

[B] all the shops, cafes, and banks are run by the university

[C] the university is all over the town

[D] it has nearly Cambridge students was _________.


2. The main problem facing the early Cambridge students was _______ .

[A] how to guard against townspeople

[B] how to find a cheap living place

[C] how to get a place in one of the colleges as soon as they entered the university

[D] how to find experienced teachers


3. We learn from the text that students at Cambridge_____.

[A] are encouraged to live in the college all through the four years.

[B] Are required to eat all their meals in the college hall

[C] Have a very active social life apart from their regular studies

[D] Are allowed to use cars


4. The imaginary case of John Smith shows____________.

[A] an undergraduate at Cambridge leads a full life

[B] students at Cambridge chiefly study on their own

[C] social activity is the main part of a student’s school life

[D] a rugger player can be a good student at Cambridge


5. The last paragraph tells us that _________.

[A] it is impossible for a student to get to his classroom in time

[B] it is hard for a stranger to drive in Cambridge

[C] it is not safe to walk on Cambridge streets

[D] it is almost impossible to drive through the busy, crowded streets at 5 minutes to the hour in full term


吉林大学远程教育学院 Distant Education College, Jilin University