








1.proper [5prRpE]  a.正经的,规矩的=respectable

        e.g. He’s not at all a proper person for a young girl to know.


2.slightly     [5slaitli]     ad.     些微地,有点=somewhat

         e.g. The pictures on the walls were slightly uneven in placement.


3.ashamed     [E5FeImd]  a.害臊的=feeling shame

        e.g. He felt ashamed to ask for help.


4.appearance [E5pIErEns]  n.外表;出=that which shows or can be seen

        e.g. We mustn’t judge by appearances.


Phrase: in appearance 外表上看起来

from/to/by all appearance(s) 显然

5.contain     [kEn5teIn]  vt.容纳,包含=have or hold within itself

        e.g. Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.


6.straight     [streIt]     ad.     直接=directly

        e.g. He went straight to Rome without staying in Paris.


Phrase: come straight to the point 直截了当地说

7.admire     [Ed5maIE]  vt. 佩,羡慕=have a high regard for

        e.g. Visitors to Britain usually admire our policemen.


8.shining [`FaInIN]  a.锃亮的=bright

        e.g. Her eyes are shining with excitement.


9.carriage [5kArIdV]  n.(火车)车厢=car(A.E.)

        e.g. The first class carriages are in front.


10.collect [5kRlekt] vt.取;收集=fetch

        e.g. After work she has to collect her child from school.


11.pipe [paIp]  n.烟斗=tube with a bowl used for smoking tobacco

        e.g. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


12.satisfaction [sAtIs5fAkF(E)n]  n.愉快;满意=contentment

        e.g. He felt satisfaction at having his ability recognized.


13.follow [5fRlEJ]  vt.采用=adopt

        e.g. It’s a pity that he did follow your advice.


14.invitation [InvI5teIF(E)n]  n.邀请=being invited

        e.g. Admission by invitation only.


15.delighted [ dI`laItId ]  a.高兴的=pleased

        e.g. I was delighted to hear the news of your success.


Usage: be delighted at sth. /to do sth. /that

16.faithful     [5feIWfJl]     a.忠实的=loyal

        e.g. He was faithful to his promise.


Usage: be faithful to sth.

17.cleverly [5klevElI]     ad.     巧妙地=skillfully

        e.g. The hole in his trousers was cleverly hidden.


18.wave [ weIv ]  vt.挥动=move

        e.g. He waved his fist in my face.


吉林大学远程教育学院 Distant Education College, Jilin University