第八章 人类疾病的生化与分子遗传学(Biochemical Genetics)
The Early Landmark Events: Inborn errors of metabolism,
研究开始的病例:先天性的代谢缺陷(Inborn errors of metabolism)-尿黑酸尿(Alkaptonuria) 
One gene – one enzyme,
One gene – one polypeptide(一个基因,一个酶的理论
一个基因,一个多肽的理论)One gene controls the production of one enzyme, set forth by Beadle and Tatum .
Later it has given way to one gene-one polypeptide because of the study of human mutations in intermediary metabolism
Basic Principles:
Proteins function at every step of metabolic processes,Genes control protein synthesis,Genetic control of metabolic processes introduces human variation
,Sometimes that variation results in susceptibility to disease,
Sometimes that variation is disease.
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