Here comes the taxi! Hey, taxi!
B: Step in, please? Where do you wish me to take
A: To the Nike Company, the Fifth Avenue.
B: OK, Close the door, please.
A: Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights. B: If you are not in a hurry.
A: No. We’ve got lots of time.
C: It’s all traffic. Are you sure we’re on the
right road?
B: Sure enough.
C: Look! We have to stop for the red light.
B: It’s green now. But we can’t move. We’re in
a traffic jam
A: Let’s go back to that crossroad and turn the other
B: This is one way traffic.
A: Enough! Enough! Nothing but vehicles!
C: Look, John! There’re blue
sky, beautiful trees and big buildings ahead. What nice pictures!
B: Ahead is the White House!
A: Really! Am I in a dream?