Basic Patterns| Substitution drills| Practice

Substitution drills
I’m starving. I didn’t have much…
I’m starving. I didn’t have much breakfast. 我很饿,我没有吃太多的早饭
I’m starving. I didn’t have much lunch. 我很饿,我没有吃太多的 午饭.
I’m starving. I didn’t have much dinner. 我很饿,我没有吃太多的晚饭.

Help yourself to some …
Help yourself to some more fish. 请随意多吃些鱼.
Help yourself to some more chicken.请随意多吃些鸡肉
Help yourself to some steak.请随意多吃些牛排.
Help yourself to some hamburger.请随意多吃些汉堡包.

I prefer… …我更喜欢…
I prefer beer. 我更喜欢喝啤酒.
I prefer beef. 我更喜欢吃牛肉.
I prefer French fries.我更喜欢吃法国烧烤.
I prefer sausage.我更喜欢吃香肠.

How is (are) …
How is (are) the food. 这种食物怎么样?
How is (are) the beer. 这种啤酒怎么样?
How is (are) the shoes. 这双鞋怎么样?
How is (are) the coat. 这件大衣怎么样?