Basic Patterns| Substitution drills| Practice

1. Fill in the blanks
A: Are you ready to order now?

B: _________________________(好的。)
A: What’s today’s special?
B: __________________________________(今天这里的特色菜是咖喱鸡)
A: What would you like to drink?
B: _____________________________(就来一杯咖啡吧。)
A: Would you care for beer?
B: _________________________(不了,谢谢。)
A: Is everything to your satisfaction?
B: ________________________(一切都很好。)
A: May I have the bill, please?
B: _______________(当然。)
2 Translate the following sentences into English:
1) 根据不同的服务,餐馆通常分为四大类:美食家餐馆,方便餐馆,家庭式餐馆和特色餐馆。
2) 我们有必要了解一下东西方的饮食文化和用餐礼仪.
3) 职业妇女比例的增加大大促进了餐饮业。
4) 现在人们更加注重餐馆菜肴的口味、氛围、装潢和价格。
5) 在自助餐厅,就餐者可随意选择自己爱吃的食物。
6) 为了满足人们不同的需要和口味,各类餐馆也就应运而生。
7) 在世界各地,到处可能看到麦当劳和肯德基的连锁店,且生意也非常不错。
8) 由于生活节奏的加快,人们在外面就餐的费用越来越大。
       After staying in a hotel, visitors usually have to find a place to eat. The visitors must bear in mind that various countries of ten have quite different foods and eating habits so some basic knowledge about the food (eating) customs of the country they are to visit may be helpful.
    In most countries, hotel restaurants are nearly always more expensive than the restaurants in the streets. In most large cities of America, visitors can find almost any kind of restaurants since there are so many different nationalities there The restaurants may vary greatly in price and you can have some ideas of the price and kind of food by looking at the menus posted in the window or asking to see a menu before you are seated at a table. The appearances of restaurants can be misleading because what looks a small, informal restaurant may really be very expensive.