One | Two | Three | Four | Five   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Three Talking About Chinese Dumplings

. 挑战,难巨的任务。
Bring up a child is the toughest challenge most people will face. 抚养孩子是我们大多数人都会面临的最艰巨的任务。

By the way
  , 顺便的,附带的说说。
The storm was not as severe as that of five years ago which, by the way ,was the worst this century. 这次暴风雨不像5年前那次厉害,顺便说说,那一次是本世纪最严重的。
vt. 使混合,配制。
If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. 将兰色和黄色掺和在一起,就可以得到绿色。
a 复杂的,难懂得。
Don’t ask me such complicated questions. 这么难答的问题别问我。
lie in    
. 在于。
The trouble lies in the engine. 毛病出在发动机上。
The solution lies in social and political reform. 解决的办法在于社会和政治改革
make up    
Who will make up the loss? 谁来祢补这个损失。
We need one more to make up the dozen. 我们还需要一个才能凑足一打