Fill in the blanks
A: Would you please tell us something about the Chinese New Year?
B: The first day of the first lunar month.
B: They do shopping, thorough cleaning and cooking.
B: Traditionally they do. But nowadays it depends.
A: On what?
2 Translate the following sentences into English:
1) 国庆之夜各条大街一片灯火辉煌,到处都洋溢着节日的气氛。
2) 每年阴历初一是中国人的传统节日——春节,是家人团聚的时刻?
3) 在中秋节之夜,家人团聚,赏月品月饼,享受着家庭和睦的气氛。
4) 泼水节是中国少数民族傣族的传统佳节。人们互相泼水,祝福未来。
5) 农历九月九日是老人节,又称重阳节。全社会将开展一系列尊老爱老活动。
6) 节日里,公园和广场都装点成了花的海洋,男女老少身着节日盛装,漫步在其中
7) 与世界上其他人不一样的是,中国人既使用阳历,但同时也使用阴历(农历)。
8) 节日也是举行婚礼的吉日良辰,因为大家都有足够的时间来庆祝。
The Lantern Festival
  The 15th day of the first month
by the lunar calendar is the date for the Lantern Festival. It is
the first night with a full moon after the Spring Festival. It is
a customary for people to eat sweet dumplings and watch lantern
displays in public places such as in the park, on a bridge, in front
of a large building. Sweet dumplings are made of rice flour with
sugar fillings, and are round in shape. They are said to symbolize
 The custom of watching lights at this
time of the year first began in the Han Dynasty when the emperors
advocated the learning of Buddhist doctrines and gave orders to
light lanterns to pay homage to Buddha. The custom soon thereafter
spread from the capital city out among the people. During the Dang
Dynasty, the emperors lifted the regular night curfew on this date
so that officials and people could enjoy themselves to the full,
watching different lanterns on street.
Up to the present day, the activity
of watching lights has been popular throughout China. On the festive
night many cities hold light exhibitions in public places to display
multi-colored lanterns madein fanciful shapes. In some rural areas,
people set off fireworks, play with dragon lanterns and dance folk
dances according to their local traditions. |