One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Three   Visiting the Great Lakes  
 the Great Lakes

Lake Erie 伊利湖 (北美)
Lake Superior 苏必利尔(北美)
Lake Huron 休伦湖 (北美)
Lake Michigan 密执安湖(美国)
Lake Ontario 安大略湖(北美)

v. 走近;靠近,接近
e.g.: Silently we approached the enemy’s camp. 我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的营地.
a.. 最大的;最多的; 最高的;顶点的
maximum speed 最高速度
maximum depth 最大深度
minimum 最小的;最少的;最低的
minimum temperature 最低温度
minimum depth 最低深度
n. (测得的)水的深度
v. 1. 比较,对照(后面可接to或with)其中: 比较两物相似点的时候,常用compare to 比较两物异同点时,常用compare with
e.g.:. (1) The poet compares her to a rose ( = says she is like a rose )
(2) If we compare French schools with British schools,we find there are many differences .
2. 比喻,比作(后接to)
e.g.: Teachers are often compared to candles. 老师通常被比作蜡烛.
 Niagara Falls
a. 陡峭的,垂直的
sheer cliff 悬崖,峭壁
a. 雷声似的,轰隆轰隆的
thunderous applause 雷鸣般的掌声
n. (水)落差
e.g.: The falls have a drop of 300 feet. 瀑布有300米的落差
n. 栅栏;屏障