Basic Patterns | Practicing
Unit Nineteen


   First of all,let's do some LISTENING EXERCISE,then do the following exercises.

1.Fill in the following blanks.

    Dear Alice, I can not tell you ____ (多么高兴) I was with the hand some birthday present you give me . The scarf is so lovely, and just ____ (碰巧) blends perfectly with my new purple suit. If really is a most____ (令人喜爱的礼物) which I shall always treasure. Please ____ ( 接受我的谢意)not only for the beautiful gift but also for the____ (美好的祝愿)which you kindly sent with if.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
    根据您的需求:as requested
    随信附上: enclose
    可能: sb. is likely to do sth.
    建议: recommend sb. to do sth.
    预订: make a reservation
    期待: look forward to (+ n. or ving)