English Intensive Reading 吉林大学远程教育学院    
Language Points
  Lesson 7   Introduction
            “A Dill Pickle” shows the extent to which romantic love is dependent upon circumstances and the convergence of certain character traits at a particular time.
        On a deeper level, the story artfully and subtlely points up the Heroine’s sensitivity and the man’s insensitivity to others --- their feelings, attitudes and inner motivations. When, upon
entering, He does not even recognize her, and when, after their
first few words, he resorts to his long-term habit of nterrupting her, we get our first glimpses of his self-involvement.This theme is repeated throughout the story.
         Like a few other earlier great women writers, Mansfield is ahead of her time. Modern feminism has produced an entire literature that delves into similar problems that deal with the relations between the genders. In fact, the author has not even given the man a name. Although he does most of the talking, the story really focuses on Vera and how she views her former lovers.