English Intensive Reading 吉林大学远程教育学院    
Language Points
  Lesson 7    Grammar  ( Page 1)
1)转化 (Conversion): 由一个词类转化为另一个词类:
water(名)水 —— water(动)浇水
2)派生 (Derivation): 通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词:
happy —— unhappy(加前缀)
           —— happiness(加后缀)
3)合成 (Compounding): 由两个或更多的词合成一个词:
wood (木)+ cut(刻)—— woodcut(木刻)
Note how these words are formed
1) to express, expression, expressive (to press out)
to repress, repression, repressive (to press back)
to depress, depression, depressive (to press down)
to compress, compression (to press together)
to impress, impression, impressive (to press in)
to oppress, oppression, oppressive, oppressor (to press against)
以上属于构词法中的派生构词法。先有词根,在词根的基础上加后缀-ion, (构成名词,表示动作、状态、结果); -ive,(构成形容词,表示性质);-or,(构成名词,表示…者)
2) to resist, resistant, resistance (to stand against)
to assist, assistant, assistance (to stand near or beside)
to consist, consistent, consistence, consistency (to cause to stand)
to persist, persistent, persistence (to stand firm)
to insist, insistent, insistence (to stand firm)
to desist (to stand/stop from)
to exist, existent, existence (to stand firm, to take a position)
以上各词属于构词法中的派生构词法,在词根的基础上加后缀-ant,(构成名词,…者); -ance,(构成名词,动作、状态、性质); -ent,(构成形容词,动作、性质); -ence,(构成名词,动作、事实、状态); -cy, (形容词词尾)
3) to reform, reformation, reformist, reformism (to form again)
to conform, conformation, conformity, conformist (of the same form)
to deform, deformity (to change the normal shape)
to transform, transformation, transformer (to change from one form to another)
以上各词属于构词法中的派生构词法。在词根的基础上加后缀-ation ,(构成名词); –ist,
(构成名词,从事某行业的人员); –ism (构成名词,…主义); –ity (构成名词,表示性质、状态); –er (构成名词)